Friendship to Lover ?

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Alden drive her home.

" So friends again?" -Alden
"Friends" -Maine

they shake hand..

Alden tried his best to show Maine that he do really change and his sincere about her right now. He drive her home everyday, always invites her at EB, they ofter have Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner together. They keep intouch always. They exchange  phone number and become so close. He always check Maine. Asking if shes done eating, what is she doing now, or where is she or who shes with.

Thursday Night

Maine check her twitter account. She got surprise of many mentioned they all have one question asking "Would You Comeback ate Maine?" she started to think what would it be like if I return? she posted it at her account and she got many replies even the dabarkads

"We would always be happy welcoming you back!"

Shes start thinking when she heard the doorbell rang..

Her parents was not around because they're having their vacation at New York so she had no choice but to go down and look who is it..

He saw Alden waiting outside carried something and standing in front of their gate. She went outside and open the gate.

"Happy Weeksary, Love"


"You forgot already? today is thursday!"

"Yes I know its thursday but no need to act anymore, first no camera around, second yaya dub is not here"

"I know and its you whose I'm looking for. Please accept these sign of apology and confession"

"What? Your so weird"

"Can you go out with me for while?"

"At these hour?"

"Yes, lets go!"

He grabbed her hand and run to his car. Open the door for her and put a seatbelt on her.

"Where are we exactly going?"

"Were almost here"

They went to church. and he hold her hand and they sit in front. After they done their prayers they start talking to each other.

"I bring you here so that you could assure that all what I'm going to say would be true and can be keep.

"If I say I miss you badly its really what I feel. If I say I really love you its sincere". He hold her hand and put it in his heart.

"You can assure it by feeling it, I wouldnt hide it from you now, I would be true to you and wont get tired of showing it everyday just give me another chance to do it"

"I would lie if I say I never miss you, I would lie if I say I forgotten all our memories before and I would really lie if I said I dont love you anymore"

"Is that mean you would give me a chance?" -Alden

"Well lets see court me. Show me if you were true of your love and if your not just playing with my heart again" -Maine

"sure did, Thanks Maine. He hugged her. oops sorry. But I will promise to make you feel my life which I keep for long time" -Alden

"Its ok. she hugged him back" -Maine

To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now