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"Its time to back" -Maine


It was 4 a.m at the morning and our flight was 8:00 a.m. I picked her up. At first she doesnt want to have a ride with me but I carried her bride like to get in to the car.

" Yah! Alden Richards let go of me" - Maine

" I dont want too" -Alden

"Yah! Richard Reyes Faulkerson Jr. please let go of me" - Maine

" Wow full name" -Alden

" Yah!! Ok fine let go of me and I would really take in the care" -Maine

" still I would like to carry you like these, you know what most of the time" -Alden


Ok fine I give up. I just let him carry me through the car but no I would be the one to put my seatbelt,

" let me do it" -Alden

" I dont want, let me do it on my own" -Maine

" No..no..no" -Alden.

Alden hold belt and was about to put it at me but Maine stop him, Maine hold his hand and he started to stare at her. He kiss her.


" Thats what you deserve beautiful".

I got surprise by my action also but the moment i saw those lips I couldnt help. She staring to me, looking beautiful as she was, I cant handle this. She look perfect at her uniform.

We arrive at the airport and she come in first our flight would be in an hour. I already booked myself in and just wait for my flight.


after an hour....

Everyone was set already when my co- worker told me to change outfit and be a normal passenger and said that someone is looking for me and saying that he is VIP and we were friends. So she pull  me and help me change and clear myself, she pointed on the guy sitting near us.

"Alden?. *talking to Shane* (the friend who told her) your kidding me right? I will wear my uniform again, wait"

He grabbed my hand and let me sit beside him.

"Your so crazy?"-Maine

Do you think so? I dont care being crazy by your side forever as long as your beside me and I could see you always"- Alden

"Here comes his acting style again, I might really fall from that sweet words again so i must be careful" -Maine

"Maine, I know what your saying but I assure you I'm really honest these time, All what I'm confessing right now was from my heart" -Alden

"Oh really? Well lets see" -Maine

I notice that Many people is staring at us and seems so confuse of what their hearing until they realize that it was me, The one who once conquer the showbizness and once knock on these man's heart.

I can see in their stare at us, some was so delighted and happy for us and even take some photos, Would it be an Aldub return?.

Everyone witness hows our conversation, I still can feel their Maiden/Aldub heart within them, They shared the photos at social media and captions our conversation. I got many notif on my twitter account and even @ instagram asking "Ate Maine Would You Come Back na? were all waiting for you, We still doesnt give up and Hoping you'll make your comeback"

I had teary eyes reading all those message of their love of me, I got surprise that they didnt forget me and they still holding on.

When our plane arrive I quickly tweeted "Welcome back home,Meng". I saw many reply's and I can't contain my emotion, at that time Alden suddenly grab my hand..

To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now