Diving All Way

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First shooting Day

Alden and Maine arrive at the same time in the meeting place. They both wear their swimming attire since they're in beach.

"Guys were going to start in 20 minutes so be ready" Producer

"Are you ready now?" Alden
"Yes, But would you mind to inform me what kind of date yiu put in the list?" Maine
" Its a surprise!" Alden
" Just tell me I wont tell everyone" Maine
"If I tell it to you it wont be a secret anymore... let the producer deal with it all" Alden
"Ok *disappointed* (faking her smile)"

after few minutes

"guys standby were about to start in 1 minutes" Producer

The Couple Making stuff already prepared all activities they're going to do today and it seems all good to experience

some of the list were:
picnic (as oriniginally plan)✔
diving together ✔
swimming together✔
relay with the stuff✔

Ofcoarse picnic must be the last stop so they did the diving first...

The instructor instruct them on thing ( do's and dont's) and precautionary measures they must do in case of emergency. In short they lecture them.

Diving is one of their favourite sport ( both of them) and hearing that they got so excited to do these.

The camera is already in standby they prepare a water proof camera to captured their underwater moment.

They start preparing and they start to alert them to prepared of diving.

1 They both dive in the water.

As soon as they got deeper in the body of under water the view and surroundings got amazing and totally wonderful. There they saw the real beauty of sea. They meet their friends their.

They saw different kind of fishes. It feels so refreshing to see those things and its really good at eyes.

They held each other hand and swim with the rhythm together with their bestfriends.

The director got amaze and just got speechless on what the couple is doing.

The two was like owning the world like nobody was there and like it was a normal day and not a shooting.

They ignore the camera and just mind what they want to do. Alden held her closer to him. They follow the fishes ariund them forming different formations while they keep on swimming and fooling underwater.

They were doing the diving for almost 2 hr 30 min yes that long moment like they own that moment.

It all worth it. They gone going back to the boat and they saw the producer in wide smile.

"Oh your both back. What both of you want to do next rest first or persue at our another activity?"

"rest" Alden
"another activity" Maine
"Your not tired yet?" Alden
"Its actually not so tiring its so refreshing indeed" Maine

They both smile at each other .....

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