Time to be Back

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Its just 9 in the morning and exactly perfect time to went here. I hurriedly change into a swimming attire.

We rented a room to have our things to feel secured off. I'm actually not prefared so I just buy a swimming attire at the store near the place.

I wear a swimsuit and went outside aleeady prepared to take shot of the scenery.

I saw Alden looking at me seems shock. I go after him and he look like froze. "Hey" I said.

I can see him blushing and keep staring at me. "Is there any wrong?"

"No I just got surprise"

"Should we start swimming now? I want to do boating!"

"Lets go" He suddenly take off his shirt and s**t he's f******g hot. I can feel that I'm blushing and got froze also.

"hey" he said.

I suddenly got awake of my fantacy world and back to reality. Then he start smiling at me. I control myself and invite him to join me at boating.

I bought my phone and start taking pictures while were enjoying the wheather. Everytime I'm about to take a shot I can feel him at my back and seems to want a picture with me. I'm not assuming something , I'm just feeling it. Well I enjoy that moment but to have a comportable one I decided to invite him for a couple picture together.

After that Day....

I call my manager, Well before I leave before I said to my manager that I would just take a break for a year and so she allow me. I decided to come back of what I'm doing before, that is facing the most scariest thing at showbizness infront of the camera..

After a day of confirming my come back my Manager call me.....



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