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The producer hires an experts to guide A & M in their first ever surfing experience. Their goal was to be able to surf together in one surfing board.

"Guys are you ready?" MCee

"Yes, whats for us today?" Alden

" Our activity today is Surfing!" MCee

" Surfing? woah!!. Wait where is Maine?" Alden.

"Shes already at the shore practicing with her surfing board" MCee

Maine look at their direction and give a wave in the two.

Happines can be seen in her face like shes really enjoying whats our activity today.

" So Alden do you know how to surf?" MCee

" No actually so ever these must be my first time doing these" Alden

" Oh I see, but since we must do some sweet stuff you must learn how to do it. Lets start your training lesson"

Alden join Maine and the trainor.

"Hello guys!" Alden

"Hi Love..... I mean Alden" Maine

"Hello Love..... Maine so what is it your doing today?" Alden

"Well sir. Kein is teaching me how to surf because these is our activity today" Maine

"Do you enjoy doing it? have u know how to do it already?" Alden

"Well I can balance myself at surfing board now but I still cant hold my balance in wave" Maine

" Would you mind learning it together?" Alden

"Sure!" Maine

"Everyone lets start again since Alden already arrive we will try to balance while facing the waves. By doing that all you need it follow the rhythm I mean go with the flow of the wave be brave and confindent and trust each other because were doing it by couple. Let us instruct you or demo it to both of you" Kein

Kein and her partner Pawi (nickname) position themselves and start a couple demonstration.

While the two got amaze by what Kein and Pawi doing Maine and Alden cant help themselves not to be froze because Kein and Pawi was so great they were not professional for nothing.

But at the same time fears start coming through their veins. " Would we be able to do it? (like that clean and amazing)?. Would we able to make a success in our first try? Would we be safe with no injuries?" Maine thought of herself.

" I know what your thinking but did you trust me" Alden

"hmm?" Maine

"Aren't you scared? you look pale and seems like nervous but dont worry I wont let you hurt let me guide you" Alden

" I'm fine dont worry" Maine denied.

"Are you sure" Alden

"Y-Yes" Maine.

Alden knew shes lying but he just let her be because she dont want to pressure her more. He just decided to guide her for their try these time.

Alden assist Maine through her wave board and hold her hands all the way of their try. Well

It went smoothly! They did it despite Maine's nervousness and because of Alden assistance they both did it beautifully.

They look beautiful couple on their try. Producer get pictures of them and update it at their facebook page and instagram.

@keinjames03: What a wonderful couple it feels so good watching them. For a first timer like them its really a good shot plus they care for each other so sweet so many ants in here 😂😂😂
(photo attachment)

@pawijane08: damn oxygen please!! how can surfing be these sweet? such a gentleman guy. A type like these on my life please.. joke ✌. But real talk they look like a real couple. If their not inlove please tell me what is it. Its more than a friends I'm telling you @mainedcm @aldenrichards02 (Love!)

(Photo attachment)

after few minutes the photos rock social medias already. It already had 30k likes and 20k replies damn hahaha even their phone has an unstoppable notif from fans who notice the photos.

@dhfbrs: kyaaahhh! MaiDen is back!

@shaine22: OMG where is it? It makes me want to try surfing!

@Jhane16: oh em gee kyaaahh is it recent? please I orient nyo naman kami!"

@Ruby: hoy! ano yan ha! eto na ba yun? kyahh!! wait kinikilig ako hahaha uy @mainedcm @aldenrichards02 totohanan na ba?

@Cia: Wait ung "Love" na caption yun ba tawagan nila sa isa't isa (?) totohanan na talaga to!

@NicoleMendoza: May ganyan na pla menggay ha di nyo ko ininform nakakatampo kayo.Pero sige na bati na tayo basta more moments like these ok? hahaha miss you both

@shane22: yun oh the sister had already speak whats left to be said?"

Then Alden suddenly twitted something.....

To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now