New Start

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they end up going back to Manila after their trip to Tagaytay. Before he escort her back to her condo they stop by a street lane. They have isaw, barbecue, adidas, betamax. Maine had 10 pics of isaw and a eat few barbecue. Alden then had 4 isaw, 1 betamax and adidas. They enjoy this small private time together. They know that what ever they will face in the future they need to be prepare. Good thing just few people pass by at that place and they able to please them to not spill any event happen that night.

After a long wonderful day they've share at each other, Alden decided to send Maine home. He was about to go when Maine speak

"Thank you for today Alden. i really appriciate everything you did today 😊"

"I am glad you enjoy it. 'till next time again?"


"well, its a good night then!! see you tommorow!! Text me when you got home ok?"

"Good night!! see you 😅"



Everyone notice that Maine and Alden become more close. If you really see through their actions you would think there was something between them.

Alden become more caring about her. Given the fact he really is in-love with Maine, (well maybe just maybe Maine also) we didnt know yet. But he always ensure that Maine is fine, day never come without Maine recieving texts from Alden.


Thrusday night Alden invite Maine at a dinner. But since its already mid night when they wrap-up from the shoot they just decided to go at Maine's condo. Alden cooks Maine he's specialties. Those light food, because its already mid night, and they eat it together.After doing that Maine decided to just let Alden rest at het condo since they were also both tired already...


Maine P.O.V

nasabi ko na ba sa inyo o hindi pa? well kung ano man I will say it again. Thrusday is one of my day off. I have 2 day off kasi in a week e. Every thursday I go to my shop. My co-workers and buddies, yup you read it right, I treat everyone in my shop a family, like sisters and borther.They were so kind to maintain everything about this a secret. It really amaze me that despite the popularity of my shop no one knows who is the owner of this. Because my secretary is the one who always face the public and stand in manager position, I entrusted to her everything and so far she did a great performance.

By the way want me to describe something about my shop? actually it was a home-y feels in it. The ambiance of the building is so refreshing at eyes. It was full of happy pictures at a corner. We put it there, it was actually our customers pictures. We took a picture of them happily talking while eating or sipping a tea, and also those different best selling foods we had.

I bake cheese cakes, cookies, cakes, sponge bread, brownies. But I see to it that it was not too sweets just enough.
So much for that, a while ago I ask Alden if he's busy today and he say's he's also off.

I am planning to show to him my other most comforting place, a farm villa (imbento ko lang po un 😂😂😂). Yup tama po kayo ng basa meron ako nun. Nakaipon naman po kasi ako sa pag F-FA ko e yun ung pinagpagawa ko ng shop then after nun e, etong villa naman po nung bago ako magstop mag artista bago ako umalis meron na ko nun. I just make it my comfort zone. I have flower garden in there, aside from the farm itself and a stall with a total of 5 horse I own. Well princess is my favorite. She's the youngest of them all. She is a yellow one so cute 😍😍😍😍. They always make sure they bath everyday. The head superiors in here is my 3 most naughtiest kuya's. Mga kuya kuyahan ko na sina kuya Wally, kuya Paulo, at kuya Jose. They just supervised but still had other workers who work in different places like flower gardens.
I actually had there different roses; red, green, pink, white, yellow.Chrysanthymum, morning glory, sun flower, tulips, gumamela, phoenies, and others. Well I really love flowers that is why.

My family doesnt know anything about this, I manage everything with my own, gladly I survive, help by my shop and other bussiness which I couldnt still be said.

So ayun na nga tawagan ko muna sya


A-Alden M-Maine

*kring* *kring*


A: Hello?

M: Oh! Hi Alden san ka ngayon?

A: Sa bahay lang, rest day e bakit?

M: Iaask ko sana if libre ka e papasama sana ako? Pero kung busy ka sige wag na lang.

A: free (A/N: natatawa nalng ako sa mga pinagsasabi ko e. So much for that tuloy na natin ung story) naman ako today, gulo ni author e. Pero bakit san kaba pupunta di naman ako busy e

M: Talaga ba? pwede mo ba akong sunduin ngayon? tinatamad kasi talaga ako mag drive and I want to unwind sana.

A: sige papunta na ko dyan

M: bye inggat 😊

A: salamat 😃

*end call*

To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now