Your All I Wanted To Be With

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They got a call from Couple Making producer...

"Hello Ms. Maine? are you free at the moment?" Producer 1
" Yes why?" Maine
"We had an urgent meeting about the flow of the show can you come at our office now?" Producer 1

"Hello Mr. Alden? are you free at the moment? Producer 2
"Yes why?" Alden
" We had an urgent meeting about the flow of the show can you come at our office now?" Producer 2

"I have to go now" they both exclaimed
" Well i guess lets end the moment today?"
"I guess so..."
"bye..." they wave to each other

Alden and Maine then rode in their cars and went to the studio.....

"Your going here also?" they got surprise to have same direction.
"Yes I had a meeting here" Alden.
" Oh I see so see you around!" Maine
"Ok" Alden

Maine went at the room first then suddenly the door open and it was Alden who open it....

"Hi! Mr. Alden" Producer
"hmm?!" Maine
"Have a seat" Producer

Alden seat beside Maine

lets just imagine that their postion was like these

Maine |-| Producer 1

Alden |-| Producer 2

"We invited you here so we could let you decided on which type of date you wanted? " Producer 1

"Thats true we will let you write your dream date which suit the two of you" Producer 2

The producer give the two of them a piece of papers. They can put their games, sport anything they want to do together or just any activities they have in their mind.


Beach Outing
Magical Waltz
Titanic melody
Movie Date
Park Date
Throwback battle
Getting to know game 😉😉


in Amusement Park or

anything anywhere she wanted ;)


After 10 years 😂😂 (joke)

They submitt their sheet of paper and the producer got surprise of what Alden write on it ( well who wouldnt be? ).

Our next shooting would be at ****** resort ( *insert any beach resort*) Well actually the producer is planning to did all their suggestion because they were so compatible to each other and their suggestions were awesome and kinda look fun and so they think of many place where they could shoot each scene.

To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now