Chapter 24

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Jiyong came back into the room. Seungri is back in his seat. Y/N feels a little uneasy around Jiyong. Her heartbeat increased the moment he walked in. She killed his ex girlfriend. 

I can only trust Seungri...for now. She thought. 

"Hyung, I'm gonna go hotel f-", Seungri started. 

"No! I mean..uh...I wanna...we should go with you. It's not safe for you to go by yourself.", Y/N interrupted. 

"But, you should stay-", he objected.

"Please, I dont want to stay here.", she pleaded. 

Jiyong stared at Seungri then at Y/N. He nodded and helped her up from the bed. Seungri held onto his crutches to his sides and limped out of the door.  

When they got out of the hospital, Y/N clung to Seungri. Jiyong follwed them from behind. He felt hurt. He felt lonely. Again.

She might just want to help him. Why am I upset? He asked himself. 

They walked with Seungri to the hotel. Y/N seemed hestitant to leave Seungri. Jiyong clearly saw that, he bit down on his lips to stop him from breaking down. Finally, after Seungri reassured Y/N, she followed Jiyong to her room with Bom. When Bom, opened the door, she had a worried look on her face. When Y/N let go of Jiyong to hold onto Bom, Jiyong automatically tightened his grip around her arm. 

"J-Jiyong, can you let go?", Y/N's voice shook with fear. He slowly withdrew his hands. He lowered his head a little but not too much for it to noticed. But Bom was watching him. 

"Bye, Jiyong.", Bom closed the door in his face. He slowly turned walked to his room quietly. 

--------------Bom POV---------------------- 

I watched as Jiyong's dark face disappear behind the door. 

"Y/N, did something happen to Jiyong?", I asked. She stared at me confusedly while taking her phone to the charger. 


"He looks hurt or sad." She carelessly shrugged. 

This isn't the Y/N, I met and know. Oh lord, that incident may have caused her like this. 

I slumped on my bed massaging the temples of my head. I have so much information, but I can't process it or I just don't believe it. 

My mind keep forcing me to picture the scene which I dont want to know. I shook my head in frustration and grabbed my pajamas. I headed to the bathroom for a shower. 

After the refreshing shower, I felt relieved. I quickly blow dried my hair. I stepped out to find a guest talking to Y/N in the room. I halted my steps while Y/N and Seungri looked at me. 

"Seungri, what are you doing here?", I asked. Oddly, I didnt think he would be the one talking to her during this time of the day and even talking to her like they used to. They looked like bestfriends. 

"Oh, noona. I was just having a casual talk with Y/N."

"At this time of the day?" It's like 10 or 11 PM already. 

"Oh, I couldn't sleep and the hyungs are asleep so..yeah,", he awkwardly smiled. 

"I should get going now. Good night, noona. Good night, Y/N.", he got up and headed out the door. 

"What were you guys talking about?", I asked as I slipped into bed. 

"N-Nothing really. Just a small talk.", she answered. 

"Okay...well, good night, Y/N."

"Good night, unnie." I flipped the switch off. 

--------------------Your POV------------------------

I think I acted really careless when Bom asked me about Jiyong. I mean like I dont know why I was like that. It was like an automatic response. Am I drifting away from Jiyong's heart?

I called Seungri over since I dont know what to do. 

"You shouldn't worry about it. Maybe it's just the way it's gonna be...I mean like people can change. Everything can change."

After that sentence Bom came out from the shower, looking rather confused. But she dismissed him while I was in a trance. Maybe I am changing. I'm becoming a monster...

I killed Kiko...I am a monster...I have hurt Jiyong...

As the lights went off, I stared up at the ceiling. Flashes of memories were displayed through my head. The happy times were soon replaced by the recent incident...

I got up from my bed and checked if Bom is awake. Apparently, she already fell asleep. I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes and left the room. 

I took the elevator down to the lobby and walked out into the darkness. Soon, I heard footsteps running up behind me. A pair of familiar arms wrapped around me. 

"Y/N...", his voice ran through my head. I immediately pushed away from his embrace and kept my distance. 

"Y/N?", he sounded hurt and confused. 

"I'm sorry. Just stay away from me. Please...I'm a monster...Just leave me alone...", tears welled up and that was kept inside finally spilled out. I dropped to the floor. I covered my face with my hands where tears kept flowing through. 

"No, you're not. You're not a monster. I will never leave you.", he stated as his hugged me. I buried my head in his chest and cried. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I killed her...", I murmured through the tears. He patted my back. 

"It's okay. It's the past already. Just leave it be. Everything will be fine.", he assured me. 

"I'm so sorry, Jiyong..."


As Jiyong's heart started to mend, there is also another heart starting to break. Again.

Seungri watched from a distance where they cant see him. He had followed Jiyong down to the lobby but didnt expect this. He had stopped dead in his tracks, the moment he saw Y/N. His heart kept sinking and ripping into tiny pieces. Again. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I kinda ran out of ideas and stuff. I might not update for a quite amount of time. I hope you stick with me. Thank you! VIPs FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!

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