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'Lindsey,Jasmin will be here in 2 minutes she is just finishing watching Alfie Deyes daily vlog from yesterday. She absolutely loves him.' Millie laughs. OMG my 'soon to be' friend loves my cousin. Thats weird.

'Millie! and friend' a girl shouts.

'Jasmin this is Lindsey, she is new. Lindsey this ma bestie Jasmin but i call her 'Jim'. ' Millie explains

 'Hi.' we said in unison. That reminded me of when i met Zoe at the station.

'Right are we ready to go?' Millie says. 'yeah' me and Jasmin say in sync.

After about 30 mins of walking we are finally at Costa. We walk in and in the of my eye i see Joe. CRAP. I quickly take out my phone and text Zoe.

"Hey zoe plz tell joe not to talk to me im in costa with new friends and dont want to be known as 'Alfie's cousin' plz xx" within seconds she texts back.

"Hey Lindsey he said he wont and i see where you are coming from coz if i where you i would do the same. Now stop being anti-social and talk to your new friends xx" and i laugh at the last bit and Millie and Jasmin look at me like im weird but i show my phone and they nod.

'Hi there can i help.' says the barista.

 'Hi can i have a large mango & passion fruit cooler please?' i say.

'Yeah that would be £3.45 please.' he says as i hand him the money.

'OMG ITS JOE SUGG!' I hear Jasmin shout. oh god. She runs over and asks for a selfie, for him to sign her phone case, to sign her book and about every-thing else in her bag.

'Hey Joe can i have a selfie?' Millie asks.

'Sure.' he says and they take a photo. Ughh.

'Do you want a photo?' he turns to me.

'Umm no i am not a fan and quite frankly have no clue who you are.' I smile.

'Oh sorry.' he says. then my i get my phone out and text Joe saying "SORRY!"

'Large mango & passion fruit cooler?' the barista says.

'Me, thank you.' i smile and my phone goes off again its from Joe "its okay Zoe told me about you said you wanna be known for you not for us and we understand." i turn and smile at him.

'Ohh someone has a crush?' Millie says in singsong on the walk back.

'Trust me Millie i dont.' i say with a stern look on my face. eww why would i fall for that? Well I mean he is kinda cute but what he did cancels all of that out.


EDIT: 28/1/17

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