Thank You

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So this book just hit 30 THOUSAND reads (well it was like a week ago but)

With all the trash talk I have for this book, I couldn't be happier.

As like a 13 (im 15 in like 2 weeks) year old writer having your book hit 30k, I would have told you that you're insane but it happened.

When I noticed that it had 30k I may have screamed. Yes it's not the most well written book on the site but I'm still proud of it (no matter how cringy I think it is)

Like danisnoton- DANIEL HOWELL once said "if someone can make videos (in my case books) that are that shit and get to where I am today, then anybody can"

In all honesty about 2 months ago I was so close to deleting this book because I hated so much but after reading over it and some motivation from my friends, I didn't and to be honest I'm glad I didn't.

Right after all that gushiness you probs wanna throw up but anyway, in short thank you so much for reading.

Check out my other books if you wanna
Follow me on twitter @/Shannon_Wattpad for updates and shiz

Annnnd yeh


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