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It was 9:30 am and we all are about to go back to cloudy old England but i cant wait to see Millie, and yes i did get her some signed stuff like a poster, a t-shirt, a bag and loads of other merch but it will be a surprise as its her birthday soon.

'Flight TOMM673 to London Heathrow is boarding now.' A lady says over the intercom so we all grab out carry ons and head to our assinged gate which is number 14.

As its another night flight i try and get some sleep,but with no luck because the seats are so uncomfortable. Once I accept the fact I'm not going to get any sleep i get up, grab my hand luggage and i pick up my wash bag and head for the bathroom. As it was night time no-one was awake so there wasn't a que for the bathroom. I was in the bathroom for around 15 minutes when i have finished my night-time skincare routine.

Once i am done with the bathroom i zip up my bag and leave when i bump into someone. It was Joe.

'Oh I'm so sorry Lindsey.' Joe whispers.

'Its fine.' i laugh and bend down to grab my bag. Joe helps me back up, i thank him and make my way back to my seat with Zoe and Alfie.


I really do love her. But i have only just made up with her again and i dont wanna mess it up. The last month has been amazing but as soon as we touch English soil its straight back to London for Joseph Sugg which means no more Lindsey.

After thinking abot Lindsey for another 4 hours i feel someone shaking me.

'Joe get up we are about to land.' Caspar says. I reply with a groan and i start to pack away my laptop and other electrical items along with my pillow and drink.

Its another 20 minutes until we hit the ground its around 10pm England time so we basically missed a day but i didn't care.After going through border control we head to baggage claim mine was first off which never normally happens and then every one elses but no Lindseys. Every one goes and waits outside but i stay with her because i need to talk to her.

 'Yo Lindsey did you enjoy LA?' I said, thinking it may be a good subject to talk about.

After a further 30 minutes of laughing about the month in LA her suitcase finally turns up.

'Yay i can finally go home.' She shouts reciveing some odd looks but i know she doesn't care.

'Right i better be off but i will call you as soon as i get to Brighton okay?' she says.

'Okay but please be safe.' i say but she laughs and i pull her in for a hug, lukilly she doesnt pull away she hugs back. At that moment we are sourounded by 'awes' and 'I ship them'. Gahhh being friends with these people is very hard.


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