Part 9

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The teacher in charge again left us alone so that he could get some stuff done. These teachers were horrible and watching kids. Louis’ head was down in his arms on his desk probably sleeping the time away.

            I reached over and tapped his back wanting someone to talk to. He didn’t move. I reached over again and tapped him a little harder, still nothing. I sighed in frustrated and tapped him again getting ready to slap him if he didn’t get up.

            “Bah,” Louis yelled turning around raising his hands up after I finished tapping him. I let out a small scream and quickly covered my mouth with my hands. Louis burst out laughing at my reaction.

            “That wasn’t funny,” I said putting my hand over my heart which was now racing. He laughed again nodding his head.

            “Yea it kinda was,” he said. I shook my head huffing a bit and crossed my arms. “Did you want something?” he asked after he calmed down a bit.

            “Just someone to talk to,” I said with a small shrug. He smiled and stood up swinging his leg over the desk chair and faced.

            “Whatcha wanna talk about?” he asked. I shrugged again looking into his blue eyes.

            “I dunno, anything,” I said. He chuckled a bit.

            “That really narrows it down,” he said. I gave him a ‘haha’ look  then crossed my arms over the table.

            “Why do you smoke weed?” I soon asked. He shrugged brushing his fingers through his hair.

            “I dunno, it’s fun,” he said.

            “Are you addicted to it?” I asked curiously. He shook his head no.

            “Not really. My friends and me just do it every now and then to relax, it is really relaxing you know. I wasn’t kidding when I said it might make you less uptight,” he told me. I rolled my eyes.

            “I’ll pass,” I said. He chuckled a bit.

            “Let me ask you something,” he said and I looked at him curiously. “Why are you such a goody goody?” he asked. I furrowed my eye brows in confusion. “Seriously, I bet your the type that’s never even gotten drunk,” he stated.

            “That’s because I’m underage,”  I pointed out.

            “Still, isn’t it boring? Don’t you ever want to have a little bit of fun in your life?” he asked me curiously.

            “I have a feeling your idea of fun and mine differ greatly,” I explained. He shrugged.

            “Why don’t you come to a party I’m hosting on Friday,” he asked.

            “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said.

            “Oh come on it’ll be fun. You’ll meet some new people, we’ll relax, go for a swim,” he explained. I bit my lip nervously.

            “Will your parents be there?” I asked.

            “Nope they’re taking my sister on a weekend trip,” he said smiling. I nodded slowly. “Please just come for a bit if you don’t have fun you can leave and I won’t ask again,” he said. I eyed him for a moment.

            “I dunno Louis I don’t exactly fit in with your friends, besides ones my parents here what I got caught doing I’ll be grounded forever,” I said sighing.

            “Just tell them you were covering for a friend and that you didn’t actually do it,” he offered.

            “Oh yea cause that’s even better. Hey mom hey dad, yea I got a detention for procession of weed but don’t worry it wasn’t actually mine it was my friends’ oh and I’m going to his house party on Friday kay? Yea that’ll go over well,” I said. rolling my eyes. He laughed a bit.

            “Just lie, I’m sure you’re the kind of daughter who could tell them anything and they’d believe you,” he said. I got nervous again.

            “Yea but that’s how you lose trust is by telling lies,” I pointed out.

            “Come on bend the rules for ones. Trust me you’ll have fun I promise. My friends are nice people and if you stick with me they’ll accept you,” he explained. I sighed as he gave me a hopeful look.

            “We’ll see what happens with my parents. If they ground me then I can’t go but if they believe my story about covering for you then I guess I’ll go,” I said. He smiled brightly and nodded.

            “You know I could always come talk to your parents with you, I could explain how it was all my fault and you had nothing to do with it,” he offered.

            “They’d hate you forever,” I stated. He shrugged.

            “Oh well I’m not out to impress anyone,” he said.

            “Well it’s your call. I won’t force you to talk to them,” I said. He smiled again and nodded.

            “I’ll do it,” he said. I nodded.

            The teacher came back in and that was the end of that conversation. I don’t know how I felt about Louis talking to my parents. They seriously would hate him forever and they’d never want me to see him again. I didn’t like that idea very much. I mean what if we became friends after this party. What if we liked each other. I mean that’s not likely a possibility but I still wouldn’t like my parents to disapprove the people I hangout with.

            Detention soon ended and Louis kept true to his word and walked me home. We didn’t talk much and it made me nervous.

            We got to my drive way and I quickly turned around to stop him.

            “Maybe this is a bad idea, my dad isn’t very nice to people, like you,” I said slowly dropping my head.

            “It’ll be fine Jenn as long as they aren’t mad at you for something you didn’t do,” he said rubbing my shoulders. I looked up at him with a sad face. “It’ll be okay. I’m used to adults thinking poorly of me, it almost doesn’t even faze me anymore,” he explained. I frowned a bit.

            “I feel bad though. I don’t want more people to scold you,” I told him.

            “But Jenn it was my fault so I deserve it,” he said. I looked down. “Come on let’s get it over with,” he said taking my hand in his and leading me to my house. I kept my grip tight on his enjoying the warmth that somehow was soothing me.

            I pushed opened the door and led him inside my house.

            “Jennifer is that you?” my mother’s voice came. I took a deep breath.

            “Y-yea,” I said nervously.

            “Can you come into the kitchen please,” my dad’s stern voice came.

            “Coming,” I said. Louis gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. I looked up at him and drew in a deep breath before walking him into the kitchen. I honestly felt so bad that I had to put him through this.

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