Part 20

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A honking sound from behind us pulled us apart. Louis raised his hand apologetically and drove off through the intersection. I smiled happy with myself.

“You become less and less innocent every day,” he commented. I shrugged innocently and smile at him. He glance at me and shook his head smiling himself. “Listen when we get there I want you to stick close to me. We’ll be meeting up with a friend of mine who can sneak us in the side door,” he explained. I nodded slowly.

“Is this dangerous?” I asked looking at him.

“It’s not life threatening Jenn, but don’t worry nothing is going to happen,” he assured me.

“That’s what you said at your house party,” I mumbled to myself but quickly regretted it as Louis’ face fell. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that I guess I’m just kind of nervous,” I explained looking back at him. He nodded slowly and gave me a serious look.

“I’ll keep you safe this time. I promise,” he told me sternly. I nodded and placed my hand on his lap showing that I trusted him.

We soon pulled up to a building that had tons of people around it. He parked his car and came quickly to my side to open the door for me. I smiled up at him taking his hand and got out of the car.

Louis gave me a light kiss then wrapped his arms securely around my waist as led m to a back alley. I looked around nervously as we walked farther from the loud main club entrance.

“Tomlinson, good to see you,” a dark figure came into view. Louis let go of me to hug the man the draped his arm around me again.

“It’s been a long time Sam, this is my girlfriend Jennifer,” Louis introduced. Sam put out his hand and I nervously took it.

“Good to meet you my dear,” he said and kissed the top of my hand. I offered a shy smile back then looked up at Louis inching closer to him.

“So can you get us in?” he asked. Sam nodded looking around a motioned us to follow him. Louis kissed the top of my head leading me further into the alley.

Sam opened up a side door and looked around making sure no one else followed.

“Thanks mate I owe you,” Louis said bumping knuckles with him then walked in. Sam gave me a smile and I returned one back but my stomach churned. Maybe I just wasn’t used to these kinds of places but I didn’t like it.

We walked down a dim lighted hall and soon found ourselves inside the club. It was really loud and dim lighted with many colored lights flashing everywhere. A sea of people filled the room. Some were casually drinking, some were dancing and some looked drunk off their ass. The music blared over the speakers and the deep thud of the bass bugged my ears.

Louis took my hand tighter and I gripped his arm for dear life not wanting to get lost in the sea of people.

We walked through the crowd and soon came to a table of people. I didn’t recognize any of them except for a familiar curly haired one. I smiled as he greeted us both with a hug.

“Jenn good to see you again,” Harry said pulling me in for a tight hug. I was almost lost in his tall statue.

“Good to see you too, keeping out of trouble?” I teased. He gave me a wink.

“Always do, come sit I just ordered a round of shots,” Harry said sliding back into the booth. Louis motioned me to follow and he slide in after me. “Guys I’d like you to meet my good friends Louis and Jenn, and these are Amber, Tracy and Nick,” Harry motioned to a girl with blond hair, a girl with black and died blue hair and a guy with spiked up blond hair.

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