Part 60

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“Louis,” I said happily not even registering the situation I was in and that fact that I had just cheated on him. I moved off the couch towards him but only ended up falling to the ground with drunken giggles.

            “What the fuck Jenn,” his voice sounded so devastated and disappointed but it still wasn’t sinking in what I had just done.

            “What are you doing here cutie pie? You should be resting,” I said as I got to my feet.

            “I missed you, I really wanted to see you but it’s clear now that it was a big mistake, nice to know this is what happens while I’m not around,” he spat at me angrily. I looked from him to Harry and slowly everything came into focus.

            “Shit,” I said under my breath and Louis just rolled his eyes.

            “Mate wait, don’t blame her. It’s my responsibility. I accidently got her drunk and kinda snuck it on her,” Harry explained as I stood in complete silence now realising how much of a horrible person I was. He was right about one thing, I was drunk and even though I knew it was wrong I had to admit that my kiss with Harry was quite enjoyable.

            “You expect me to believe that bullshit?” Louis snapped making me flinch.

            “It’s true, we’re sorry mate it’ll never happen again,” Harry tried to explained.

            “Fuck you. I can’t believe this. You couldn’t be happy with one girl you had to steal mine. I knew I was right not to trust. I know you two living together would blow up in my face,” he ranted angrily with his voice raising with each work.

            “Look relax mate we were drinking. It meant nothing. I’m really sorry it was a big mistake,” Harry tries to reason as he walked towards Louis.

            “I will not relax,” Louis snapped and pushed Harry back. Harry glared at Louis actions. Louis pushed him again and this time Harry pushed back.

            “Stop it guys this isn’t going to solve anything,” I said placing my hands on both of their shoulders. Harry looked back at me first and nodded with a small sigh. This apparently upset Louis because without warning Louis brought his fist back and punched Harry on the side of his face while he was still looking at me. I gasped as Harry stumbled back for a moment then glared at Louis and violently lunged at him.

            I stared in shock as the two boys aggressively fought with each other. I knew I had to do something. Harry had anger problems and Louis was still weak.

            “Guys stop,” I begged nervously as Harry fell to his back with Louis over him punching as hard as he could.

            “Louis please stop,” I said going over and tugging on his that had Harry’s neck clenched tightly in it.

            Louis let out a groan of frustration as his hand flew back hitting me in the face. I whimpered backing up. I didn’t know if it was intentional or not but it still.

            I took a few more steps back with my hand covering my sore cheek. Harry saw the whole thing and he stared at me worriedly as he grabbed hold of Louis wrist.

            “Mate fuck stop, you just hit Jenn,” Harry said angrily at Louis. Louis instantly stopped and  turned his head to look at me with guilty eyes.

            “Fuck,” he said under his breath as he stood up off of Harry. I looked back at him with teary eyes. “Babe I’m so sorry,” Louis said a little calmer. I nodded slowly.

            “Please stop fighting with Harry be mad at me not him,” I said sadly. He sighed deeply shooting a glare at Harry. He shook his head at the both of us.

            “I’m disappointed in both of you,” Louis stated sternly and we both dropped our heads. “But I’m more scared than man Jenn. What were you thinking? Didn’t you know how this would make me feel?” he asked walking up to me with sadder eyes.

            “I wasn’t thinking that’s the problem and I’m so fucking sorry for being so stupid,” I said dropping my hands from my face. Louis frowned stepping closer and placed both hands on my face and gently kissed my sore cheek.

            “Why were you drinking?” he asked staring into my eyes. I shrugged looking down.

            “I’ve been stressed. What with work and school and taking care of you. I thought it would help me relax cause you always seem care free anytime you drink,” I explained. Louis sighed.

            “You’re so stupid sometimes,” he said with a small smirk. I smiled slightly. “But do I have to be worried about you two now? I don’t want to lose you but if you having doubts,” he said and I quickly shook my head.

            “No, no it was just a drunken mistake. I’m sorry I love you I swear it’ll never happen again,” I said tears forming in my eyes again. Louis eyed me for a moment before pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back as tightly as I could never wanting to let him go. “Please dont’ hate me,” I spoke nervous into his chest. Louis sighed again  pulling away a bit and looked down at me.

            “I don’t have you love, I’m just hurt,” he explained.

            “I’ll make it up to you I swear,” I assured him looking up at him with hopeful eyes. He smiled a bit.

            “Come back to my place tonight,” he suggested.

            “Of course,” I said leaning up and kissing him passionately. Louis pulled away and looked at Harry.

            “Sorry for attacking you,” he said with a bit of a frown.

            “I would have done the same. Are we cool?” Harry asked. Louis stared at him for a moment before slowly nodding his head with a small smile.

            “Yea on one condition,’ he stared and paused as Harry gave him a confused look. “You have to tell Amanda what happened,” he said and Harry’s face dropped. “It’s not fair to the poor girl. She’s really into you but if you don’t share the same feelings you can’t keep leading her on,” Louis explained and Harry nodded with a reluctant sigh.

            “I’ll make things right with her,” he agreed. Louis nodded then looked down at me.

            “Ready to go?’ he asked and I nodded staring back at him. I waved goodbye to Harry before grabbing my purse and walking out of his flat with Louis.

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