part 62

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*2 months Later*

            Standing up I threw my graduation cap up in the air and cheered loudly along with everyone else who graduated this year. I caught my hate with a proud smile on my face and looked over to where Louis stood with an even brighter smile. He actually graduated, passed all this exams with flying colors and now he had nothing but a bright future ahead of him.

            Louis looked my way, he was so handsome in his blue gown. I must say it really suited him, he looked like a changed man, one that was capable of anything.

            Louis smiled at me mouthing an ‘I love you’ to me. I mouthed the same thing back and waited for everyone to clear out and go to their parents. Louis came over to me pulling me tightly into his arms. I hugged him back tightly.

            “I can’t believe we’re graduates,” he said excitedly.

            “I know, I’m so proud of you handsome,” I said leaning on my tippy toes and kissed him passionately.

            “Get a room you two,” Harry’s voice came walking over to us with his arm slung over Amanda’s shoulder. I hugged Amanda as Louis hugged Harry.

            “I can’t believe we are finally out of high school,” Amanda gushed excitedly. I nodded.

            “I know I can’t wait to move on and actually start working towards a career,” I said.

            “Seriously, no more putting up with pointless crap,” she said with smile.

            “So where is the party tonight,” Louis asked draping his arm over me.

            “I think I know a girl hosting a pretty cool party,” Amanda said and we agree to go there.

            “Louis,” a female voice came from behind us. We all turned around  and saw his mom standing a few feet away with all his little sisters standing behind her.

            “Mom,” he said a little surprised. “I didn’t know you were coming,” he said as he walked over to her.

            “I wouldn’t miss my oldest child’s grad,” she stated with a smile.

            “I’m really happy you are here,” he said hugger her.

            “I’m really proud of you Louis. I know I haven’t been the most supportive but you proved me wrong and I couldn’t be happier,” she said and his face lit up with excitement.

            “Mom I know I was an ass before but I swear I’m a changed man. I’m going to college and university and make something of myself, I promise,” he said in a serious tone. She nodded smiling back at him.

            “I know you will,” she said then turned her gaze to me. “And I think I have you to thank for that,” she said walking over and hugging me tightly. I hugged her back feeling touched. “Thank you for everything you really saved my son,” she said.

            “It was my pleasure. I knew he could do it,” I told her.

            “You’re parents should be proud they raised a fine young lady,” she said. I gave a weak smile and nodded. “Well you kids have fun tonight,” his mom said hugging Louis one more time. Louis hugged her back then hugged all his little sister tightly.

            “Where are your parents Jenn?” Amanda asked me. I shrugged.

            “Probably at home. I haven’t spoken to them since the day I left home so they probably want nothing to do with me,” I said with a small frown.

            “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Harry said motioning his head to the side. I followed his gaze and was met by two proud looking parents, my parents.

            “Mom, dad,” I said in shock as I walked over to them quickly.

            “We’ve missed you sweetie,” my mom said hugging me tightly.

            “I can’t believe you’re here,” I said moving to hug my dad.

            “We wouldn’t miss this for the world Jenn,” my dad told me.

            “I thought you hated me,” I stated looking from him to my mom.

            “Honey of course not,” my mom said and I couldn’t help but smile.

“We may not agree with your choices but we will always love you,” my dad explained.

“Jenn there you are, come on we’re all leaving,” Louis said coming up behind me. He looked up at my parents and stopped in his tracks. “Oh,” he said a little nervously. My dad eyed him for a minute before extending his hand to him with a kind smile.

“Congratulations Louis,” he said. Louis smiling taking his hand in a firm shake. “I guess I was wrong about you. Sorry for all the judgement,” my dad said swallowing his pride and being a man.

“No harm done. I would have acted the same were it my daughter,” Louis said.

“Where are you living now Jenn?” my mom asked curiously.

“Well actually, Louis and I have an apartment just outside of town clase to our school,” I said smiling up at Louis.

“We’d love to have you both over sometime,” Louis offered.

“That would b great we’ll bring your sister Jenn, she really misses you,” my mom said.

“You should have brought her today. Maybe I can stop by tomorrow and bring her to the park,” I asked with hopeful eyes.

“That would be great let us treat you two to dinner tomorrow night, you know as a graduation present,” my dad offered.

“That would be great,” I said smiling at both of them happily.

“Jenn, Louis hurry up,” Amanda called to us.

“Coming,” I said with a wave.

“Go have fun sweetie,” my mom said giving me one last hug.

“Make sure you’re not too wild we expect you to be alive tomorrow during dinner,” my dad teased.

“We will sire. I’ll be sure of it,” Louis assured. We said our final goodbye then I took Louis’ hand and joined Amanda and Harry and we all head to the party.

Nothing could make this day any better, then again as I looked up into Louis’ bright blue eyes I was sure we’d end the night on an even better note.

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