Part 26

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My eyes widened a bit and instantly start to mist with threatening tears.

“So it’s true,” I stated in shock. He whole face turned into a panic.

“Babe I can explain,” he said reaching for my waist.

“How could you?” my voice cracked as I stepped away from him.

“Jenn please just give me a chance to explain,” he begged stepping towards me again. I glared putting my hands on his chest and pushed him back.

“Get away from me,” I snapped at him.

“Please love,” he said his face ridden with worry.

“I fucking trusted you. You son of a bitch. I’ve been nothing but honest with you and you told me you loved me you womanizing manwhore,” I shouted at him receiving a few stared from people leaving the school.

“Babe stop listen please,” he said letting his school bag drop off his shoulder. He came to me again putting his hands out to touch my face.

“Don’t,” I shouted at him as tears streamed down my face.

“I trust you, you had me believing I could trust you and you go and do this. Amanda was right, she was right to despise you. You haven’t changed at all you’re still a rotten hooligan,” I snapped at him angrily.

“Babe no that’s not who I am,” he told me.

“Just leave, I’m not putting up with this. It’s one thing knowing you freely drink underage and get into clubs and fights and a ton of other illegal things but cheating is the most horrible thing you can do to someone,” I snapped at him, my voice growling in a tone I haven’t even heard before.

“Jenn please give me a chance,” he asked.

“Too bad you’ve run out of chances and you know what I’m giving up on you,” I snapped angrily.

“Don’t say that,” he begged looking on the verge of tears himself. I shook my head whipping my own eyes.

“Have a good life Louis. I hope you’re happy you’ve just lost the only person who was willing to put up with your crap,” I said. Louis stared at me completely in distraught but I could care less.

I shook my head whipping my eyes again then walked away from him.

Louis must have called me 10 times that night and went me about 20 text begging for a chance to explain.

Honestly what could he possibly say to make up for the fact that he was kissing some other girl behind my back? What is he going to say? That she kissed him? Even if that were the case it still doesn’t matter, if you love someone you would put yourself in a situation that would compromise their trust.

I stayed in my room the rest of that night. I eventually got annoyed with his constant calls and turned off my cell phone completely.

I didn’t want to cry over him but the tears invulontarily feel from my eyes. I was so stupid to think that dating a ‘bad boy’ type was a good idea. I mean he was misunderstood but still a rebel without a cause and always up to no good.

My father was right. I deserved this and I intended to learn from this mistake and never open my heart as easily as I did with Louis.

Friday at school Louis tried to talk to me but I ignore him and Amanda did a good job in keeping him away.

I didn’t give in an inche. I didn’t listen to a single word he said but it still took a toll on my heart. That night I stayed in my room quietly crying. I pulled myself together for when I had to deal with my family but when I was up in my room, music blaring I was bawling my eyes out.

I laid on my back at around 10 o’clock my eyes were completely drained and I was exhausted from all the emotions going through me. I couldn’t sleep, I didn’t want to sleep because I knew my dreams would be of him and I just couldn’t bare that just yet.

A light clicking noise coming from my window made me turn my head. I watched as something repeatedly hit the class. I furrowed my eyes in confusion and stood up going over to it.

I looked down and noticed Louis standing in my back yard staring up at me and waving his arms to get my attention. I sighed deeply and lifted my window opened.

“What are you doing?” I whispered as loud as I could so I didn’t wake anyone.

“I need to talk to you,” he called up to me quietly.

“Well too bad I don’t want to talk to you,” I said stubbornly.

“Jenn come on we’ve had troubles before but we talked them through why is this any different?” he asked. I sighed a bit, he had a point.

“Fine, you have 5 minutes,” I said.

“Thank you,” he called.

I shut my window and quietly snuck out of my room. I managed to sneak past my dad who was watching tv in the living room.

            I made my way out back and wrapped my arms around myself as I walked over to Louis.

            “Get on with it what do you want?” I asked with agitation in my voice.        

            “You have to believe me when I say that what Amanda saw wasn’t my fault,” he started and I instantly rolled my eyes.

            “Honestly Louis I’m not interested in your she kissed me bullshit story,” I said getting ready to walk away.

            “Wait Jenn please,” he said putting his hands on my arms. I wiggled out of his grip and glare at him. “Look I know I fucked up, but I didn’t mean for it to happen. I went for a walk around the school and I found her crying. I asked if she was okay and I talked to her a bit making sure she was alright. She started saying how nice I was and stuff like that and before I knew it she was kissing me,” he explained. I rolled my eyes.

            “That’s what everyone says Louis, how stupid do you think I am?” I asked.

            “It’s the truth babe I wouldn’t lie to you,” he told me.

            “I gave you the chance to fess up on your own but you didn’t,” I pointed out.

            “That’s because I was scared. I knew you’d hate me and I couldn’t stand the thought of it. As soon as you sent me that text I knew Amanda or someone you know must have seen and told you but honestly so many people are against me, so many people expect the worst of me when in reality I was doing a good deed and that girl was the one who took it too far. If she hadn’t started it it never would have happened,” he desperately tried to explain.

            I eyed him for a moment taking his story into consideration. I wasn’t sure what to do. I hated him for letting it happen but part of me just wanted to jump into his arms and forgive him.

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