Part 27

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I eyed him for a moment taking his story into consideration. I wasn’t sure what to do. I hated him for letting it happen but part of me just wanted to jump into his arms and forgive him.

            “You know you’re right about one thing,” I stated and he looked at me searching my eyes probably for a hint of forgiveness. “A lot of people are against us. Amanda and my other friends don’t understand our relationship. Plenty of kids look at me like I’m crazy for walking down the hall with you. I mean I can’t even tell my parents about you,” I told him with a deep sigh.

            “We don’t need anyone though babe we only need each other,” he said. I shrugged looking down.

            “I just can’t help but feel like we’re postponing the inevitable. Sure we’re happy now but we do have different life styles, you still like to get into trouble but that’s not how I am and eventually it’s just not going to work,” I explained.

            “You can’t assume that. I’ve already started making changes and I can make more,” he offered.

            “Yea but is that what you really want?” I asked.

            “I want you Jenn and if that’s what it takes then yes,” he told me seriously. I looked into his eyes and sighed again.

            “I just don’t know anymore Louis,” I said dropping my head.

            “I make you happy, you can’t deny that,” he stated firmly.

            “Yea so? One day someone else will make me happy,” I stated back to him. He shook his head.

            “I want to be the one to keep making you happy though,” he said. I sighed crossing my arms and looked away. “I fucked up okay, I know I did, big time and I hate that I hurt you but you have to believe me when I tell you how sorry I am. I love you and I need you to forgive me,” he begged.

            “And if I don’t?” I asked looking up at him with a blank stare.

            “Then I turn back into what I was,” he said simply. I eyed him for a moment as he stood still in front of me watching me back. “You’re my reason to change without you I’m just some worthless schmuck on the street,” he explained in a low sorrowed tone.

            I let out a deep breath frowning at him.

            “Louis I do care about you, I just don’t want to get hurt again,” I told him dropping my head.

            “I don’t want to hurt you again either love, I care about you more than you’ll ever known and you mean more to me than you’ll ever know. You’re different, you’re special. I felt it from the moment we started talking. You believed in me and saw something different and that’s one thing I’m not willing to give up,” he explained. I bit my lip not wanting to forgive him but the longer I stood out here talking the more I slowly wanted to.

            “I can’t forget this,” I warned.

            “I don’t expect you to just give me one more chance to prove I can be a good boyfriend,” he begged stepping closer to me. I bit my lip as I fought with my inner thoughts, should I should I not? I really didn’t know. “Please,” he asked his voice sounding so broken and pained.

            “Okay,” I whispered quietly. Louis perked up his sad tears eyes now looking like it was tears of joy instead.

            “Thank you,” he breathed out his voice cracking even more with relief. He engulfed me in the tightest hug he’s ever given me and lifted me off the ground. “Fucking Christ thank you so freaking much. Fuck,” he spoke with a shaky voice. I giggled a bit hugging him back. I hated to admit it but there was no way I could let our relationship end that easily. I was in love with him and it would take a lot more than that to push me away.

            Louis finally set me back down and pulled me in for a passionate eager kiss. I kissed him back lacing my fingers in the hair on the back of his head.

            He pulled away and tugged me closer to his body. My head buried in his chest and I inhaled the sweet smell of his cologne again. I didn’t realise how much I missed him till now and I couldn’t be happier being in his arms again.

            “I really am sorry babe,” he said pulling away a bit as he stroke his thumb along my cheek. I drew in a deep breath and nodded.

            “I know. Let’s just forget about it okay,” I suggested. He nodded his head.

            “Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked curiously.

            “Unfortunately no, I’m stuck babysitting the entire day. My parents are driving out of the country to do some shopping,” I said rolling my eyes. Louis smiled a mischievous smile.

            “So I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked a confident smile staying on his lips. I eyed him confused for a moment then realised my parents would be gone, the entire day which meant no one could stop me from seeing him.

            “As long as you don’t mind my little sister being around yes,” I said grinning back at him.

            “Doesn’t bother me, besides we can just send her to bed early,” he said with a cute smirk and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back but shoved him playfully.

            “Get out of here you nut,” I said. He chuckled a bit.

            “I’ll see you tomorrow babe,” he said pecking me on the lips one last time. I gave his bum a light slap as he turned around making his look back at me with a smirk. I gave him a wink and watched him walk around the side of my house and disappear in the darkness. That boy was something else and I absolutely loved it. Unfortunately for me Amanda was going to hate me for forgiving him.

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