Part 45

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Sleep wasn’t easy. Even with Louis’ warm body holding me I still couldn’t get Danny’s cold voice out of my head. I never thought they’d do this. Messing with Louis is one thing but attacking me? Do they not have any shame?

            I painfully tossed and turned the entire night and by morning  I had finally found a comfy spot and slowly drifted off to sleep but only to be woken up by Louis moving. I groaned remembering today was Thursday and we had school.

            I sighed deeply moving to get up.

            “Go back to sleep babe,” Louis whispered to me.

            “But we have school,” I said looking up at him. Louis gave me a smile and kissed the side of my face.

            “You’re not going. I’m calling in sick for you,” he explained.

            “But,” I started but he put his finger over my lips to stop.

            “Rest, I’ll tell Amanda what happened and I’m sure you’ll feel better for tomorrow,” he explained. I sighed deeply and nodded.

            “I’ll miss you,” I said sadly. He smiled again kissing my head.

            “I will too. Text me if you’re feeling up to it later okay? And Harry is home all day if you need anything,” he explained. I nodded feeling my eyes getting heavier. I let them shut and drifted off to sleep in minutes.

            I don’t know how long I slept but when I woke up I felt a little better, more rested and refreshed.

            I woke up hearing rustling in the room.

            “Louis?” I asked in a low raspy voice as I turned around. Instead of Louis I found Harry by his dresser pulling out some clothes.

            “Sorry Jenn didn’t mean to wake you,” he said picking up a shirt and pulling it on.

            “It’s okay,” I said and turned on my back.

            “How are you feeling?” he asked tightening his belt buckle. I shrugged.

            “Better. What time is it?” I asked curiously.

            “Um just about 2:30. Louis and Amanda are on their way here to see you,” he explained rustling his hands through his hair. I nodded and sat up holding my side as it stung from my movement. “Here let me see, we might have to change the bandage,” he told me coming over and sitting beside me. I nodded with a sigh laying back and lifting up my shirt.

            Harry slowly pulled the bandage off grimacing as he looked. I looked away not wanting to see.

            “Is it bad?” I asked nervously.

            “Not really, just needs to be cleaned again,” he told me giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded and took in a deep breath. Harry got up leaving the room for a moment to grab something to clean it. He came back and started. “We’re going to figure this out okay? You and Louis won’t have to deal with this for too much longer,” he said gently. I nodded my head wincing a bit at the soreness.

            “Just be safe. I don’t want you guys getting hurt anymore,” I said with a frown. Harry smiled back at me.

            “We’re tough Jenn we can handle ourselves,” he assured me. I shrugged.

            “Even with one of them carrying a knife?” I asked unsure.

            “Of course,” he said. He placed a new clean bandage on me and smile. “There you go, hungry?” he asked standing up.   

            “A little,” I said.

            “Come, I have left over pizza in the fridge,” he told me. I nodded pushing the covers off myself and left the room. I took a quick shower washing my sore bruised body then dressed back into my pjs and met Harry in the kitchen.

            He put down a plate with some heated up pizza for me and I quickly dug in.

            The opened a few minutes later and Louis walked in with Amanda.

            “Hello, hello,” Harry said greeting them and quickly went to Amanda to give her a hug. I smiled chewing on my pizza as Louis came into the kitchen. He smiled once seeing me and I opened my arms wanting a hug.

            “Hey babe feeling better?” he asked bending down giving me a hug and a sweet peck on the lips. I nodded.

            “Much better now that you’re here,” I said. He smiled and kissed me sweetly again. Amanda came in with Harry behind her. Her face turned worried when she saw me. I had a bruise on the side of my face and was cut up a little bit so I could understand her concern.

            “Jesus,” she breathed out.

            “Aw thanks Amanda you look pretty today too,” I teased. She laughed a bit and came over to hug me.

            “You okay?” she asked rocking me back and forth a bit. I nodded.

            “Yea better, how was school?” I asked looking up at her.

            “Let’s just say I’ll be happy when it’s over,” she said with a sigh. I nodded understanding her pain.

            “Girls why don’t you hang out in Harry’s room for a bit I’d like to have a word with him,” Louis said. We both nodded and I slowly got o my feet with Louis’ help. He was so protective. He was full on ready to carry me back to Harry’s room but I told him I was fine and walked away with Amanda.

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