Chapter 2 | One Direction

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Dedication goes to : @Amelia_chi123 :) I hope you like this chapter :-)

Chapter 2 | One Direction

The air was chilly as I switched the weight from my right foot to my left. We stood outside the tour bus of One Direction. It was fairly large for a tour bus, and the colors were dark and opaque.

We were waiting for the boys to come. The girls seemed just as nervous as I did, which instantly made me grab Jade's hand and squeeze. She squeezed back, and soon, we were all holding hands and squeezing, seconds going by like decades.

We only waited for five minutes. Five minutes that came as fast as a turtle running. Still, it was great moment when the boys came, their black van rolling up with smooth style. When the car parked, the lads of One Direction took no time to get out.

First came Louis, smiling at us with genuine excitement. Then came Liam, laughing at something. Niall came after him, eating a sandwich. Zayn came behind him, looking quite dashing if I do say so myself. Harry came last—and you know what they say, best for last. He came out grinning, with his dimples showing. My heart thumped a little too hard at the sight.

"Hello!" They all chorused.

"Hi!" Jesy replied before us three could react. We all said our hello's as they came for a hug, which pleasantly surprised me. First was Liam, his hug was so friendly you never wanted to let go. After him came Zayn's hug, and that made heat rush up to my cheeks. Niall followed, with Harry and Louis in tow, their hugs all warm and smelling like boy.

The hugging session ended, and we all stood awkwardly for a moment. Then Monica came, her heels clicking loudly, her posture held with the air of importance. "Follow me," She ordered as she walked past the group of nine, her movements holding a grace I wished I had.

Once we were all inside and the seating arrangement was settled (Niall and Harry had had a very intense argument on who would sit next to Louis, in which Harry won), Monica handed out papers and checked her cellphone before speaking.

  "Let's begin." Monica spoke, her eyes flying over the papers, looking for where to begin. We sat still, waiting for instructions. When Monica meant business, she meant business.

  "Lets start with the arrangements of the tour. . ."

*            *

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  After the meeting, which I paid about 80% attention to—the other 20% went to studying Zayn when he wasn't looking—it was decided that we should go to a restaurant to celebrate. While we drove to a restaurant chosen by Louis, Liam took the ride as a chance to ask questions. Then all the boys joined in. "How did it feel, winning first place in the X Factor?" He asked smiling.

I was the first to answer, which effectively made all the attention go to me. "It was quite astonishing, to make it to the end. We were so exhilarated from the performance, and the shock was so great, I honestly couldn't even remember my name. I just knew that these girls," I said, pointing at Jesy, Jade, And Leigh-Anne, "These girls absolutely changed my life. I love them and I'm thankful I decided to enter into the X Factor when I did." I smiled widely, watching Jesy fake cry at my words.

I laughed at her and shook my head in embarrassment. "Next question," I urged, before turning away and taking a drink of my water bottle. Laughter came as a response, and it took a minute before Liam spoke again.

"I'm glad you guys won. You girls obviously hold a ton of talent for such an achievement." We all blushed and thanked Liam for the compliment.

"Yeah, we voted for you!" Niall agreed, which made me duck my head in embarrassment and gratitude.

After three more Liam's questions, Jade asked one to the boys. "How do you get inspiration to write a new song?"

Harry took it as a chance to speak. "Well, at the studio, it takes some time, but I just pull a few words together and think of all my experiences and what I feel, and a song comes out of it. These four help me make my version a better version.
"Really its a little different for all of us, but we usually write it down, and piece the lyrics or tunes together."

Jade and I nodded thoughtfully and looked outside. We had parked.

"We're here!" Niall's voice was filled with so much excitement, I couldn't believe it was only for food. Then I realized how hungry I was, and I decided I could believe it.

We all got out, Harry and Liam leading, then being proper gentlemen, they held the doors for some Mexican restaurant I didn't know how to pronounce. I thanked them, and hurried inside. I was the first one to sit down. I made myself comfortable, and waited for everyone to sit down so we could get to the good stuff.

The amount of surprise I held when Zayn sat down next to me was almost enough to make my heart explode. This night just got a whole lot more interesting.

Bring on the champagne, I challenged fate with a hidden smile.

Sorry it took so long to update!
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[edited 1-23-16]

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