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here is the second s p e i c a l chapter out of four secial chaps. :)

Dedicated to: @_lucyqan_ ily :)


Don't ever waste a second of your life. It's too short, and you're too special.

As Perrie Edwards past through the paparazzi and their clicking cameras, she brushed by Jade Thirlwall, who seemed not too excited to go inside.

Perrie looked at her best friend curiously, and wondered what was wrong. It must have something to do with Sam, since she seemed upset when she spoke of him earlier today.

Perrie hooked arms with Jade, and while the other girl was surprised at the sudden contact of skin on her, she let Petrie pull her inside.

Leigh Anne Pinnock eagerly went towards the elevator, and pushed the down sign. She rocked back and forth on her heels, impatiently waiting for the elevator to come down.

Jesy Nelson was scrolling through Instagram, taking a bite out of her KitKat bar. She didn't seem to mind the wait for the eleavor, captured by the beautiful photographery of others.

Perrie didn't talk to Jade as they waited for the elevator. Perrie was slightly pissed that something was bothering Jade and she said nothing to her.

The elevator doors finally opened and Leigh went in quickly, slightly annoyed by the girls, who were taking their time.

The elevator was quiet, and none of the girls spoke to break the silence.

The doors opened and Leigh Anne basically skipped to their hotel room.

Jade and Petrie shook their heads, Jesy still too busy looking through Instagram to notice.

It's not like they were doing anything today.

Well, no one except Leigh.

She, of course, had a special Skype session with Almar, who was back in his home town, waiting for Leigh to finish her tour before visiting her again.

The rest were staying at home, doing anything but have a special night.

Or at least that's what they thought.

Petrie entered their hotel room last, and shut the door behind her, securing it before moving towards Jade.

Jade had a troubled look on her face, and Perrie was starting to worry that it might of been a bigger deal than she realized.

While Perrie was trying to comfort Jade without actually knowing what she was comforting her about, Louis was laying on his bed, bored out of his mind.

Louis had tried to convince Liam to help him play a prank on another boy, mostly Niall, but Liam had waved him off, not paying nearly as much attention to him as he was to his phone.

Since no one else was good at playing pranks, Louis didn't even bother asking the other boys.

He knew he couldn't ask the girls, either. They were either too sensitive for it, or too clumsy.

Perrie was both.

So instead, he was on his hotel bed, looking at the ceiling, trying to find a special or unordinary shape.

He had no luck.

He gave up and decided to go bug Zayn, since Harry and Niall were writing a song together, and needed "time away from the other three lads".

Louis found Zayn drawing on his sketchpad. He decided to sneak up on him and see what he was drawing.

It turned out to be a who.

Zayn was obviously drawing a girl. That much Louis knew. But exactly who it was, was a mystery.

"I can't tell who that is. Who is it?" Louis asked calmly, and smiled a bit bigger when Zayn reacted.

Zayn sighed and said, "a girl."

Louis rolled his eyes at Zayns vague response but let it go, knowing he'd know sooner rather than later when Zayn felt like telling him.

"Let's do something fun. There's not much to do here." Whined Louis, trying to crack Zayn.

Zayn shrugged. "Go see what Perries doing, since you two are so close." Zayn's tone was bitter.

Louis smiled at this.

"Is little Zayn jealous? Ha! Can't wait to tell Perrie that." Louis bounced up from his seat and ran out the door, too fast for Zayn to react.

But when he did, he was quick to chase after Louis.

But it was too late.

Louis was already rambling about how depressed and bothered Zayn was about not being as close to Perrie was he was.

Zayn rolled his eyes at Louis' exaggeration. He, for one, did not feel depressed about that.

He simply felt out of place.

Louis then began talking about how Zayn was about to cry when Louis figured this out. At that Zayn snorted.

Both Louis and Perrie turned their heads to see Zayn leaned against the wall, listening with a half amused, half annoyed expression.

"You done with your bullshit yet, mate?" Zayn asked, seemingly careless.

But inside he knew differently. He knew he didn't want to seem over caring about something this small. It would be overreacting, and he didn't want to do that.

Louis smirked a bit, and answered with a "not quite."

Zayn let out a huff and Louis chuckled.

"Come on, Zayn, loosen up a bit. Life's too short to not have a little fun mate."

Perrie spoke up, for the first time since Louis barged in and began talking animatedly.

"Yeah, because Louis has a special or unique meaning for the word 'fun'." Perrie chuckled and got up from her bed, where she was sitting while Louis was standing up.

"But it's alright Louis, it's the good kind of special." Most of the time, Zayn thought as an afterthought.

Louis just sulked jokingly. "Whatever." He muttered, his eagerness vanished.

What to do, they all grew quiet, and had the same thought without knowing.

Perrie was a bit upset, since Jade did not intend to let Perrie know what had her in a bad mood.

Louis was tired of being bored and wanted to do something fun, but none of the lads were up for it.

Zayn was feeling kind of awkward, wanting to say something to Perrie, but deciding against it whenever he was about to go for it.

They stayed quiet for a long moment. And then Perrie had an idea.

"Get out, the two of you! It's girls night and there are no boys allowed," and with that, she kicked them out.

Perrie called all the girls into her hotel room. It wasn't easy. Jade came willingly enough, Jesy needed a little persuasion, and Leigh Anne was almost impossible. But Perrie managed to get her in, too.

"Okay girls, who's ready to have a special girl's night?!" Perrie asked in excitement, and all the girls immediately squealed in antipation.

- ̗̀ a/n  ̖́-

wey hey y'all. das right, I updated. you're welcome. ; )

I'm sorry for this unedited really crappy chapter/filler. lol promise next one will be better and longer. : )

if you know from who that quote is, comment! I'll dedicate the next chapter to you or something. ; )

ily all, thanks for almost getting me too 900 votes! I'm really grateful, it's been a pleasure writing this story, and I can't believe it's almost over.

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