Chapter 24 | In The Ruins

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Chapter 24 | in the ruins

Dedicated to: @idkcarys bc she kinda inspired me to finish the chapter lol

I stayed inside whichever hotel room I was assigned to whenever I could. The girls tried to cheer me up, but I couldn't fake enthusiasm. I tried to seem better, for their sake more than my own, but it was no use. I sucked at acting, and it was clear I needed time to heal.

Now, I wasn't like other girls who watched sappy movies and ate ice cream to help heal. Instead, I turned to books (which is even worse in my opinion) and I ate barely anything (again, I only came out of my room when necessary) but I think after two weeks of being cheated on, I'm making process.

Today I was sitting in bed reading one of my favorite unable-to-resist books: The Fault In Our Stars. Yeah, I was that depressed. I was on the part where Augustus Waters just began reading to Hazel Grace and she just thought one of my favorite quotes from the story, "I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, and then all at once."

I sighed happily, even though I knew their relationship wasn't one with a happily ever after, I love how strong their love was, to the very end. There was a knock on my door and I hastily put the book away and tried to pretend I was on my phone. I answered "come in!" and the door was immediately opened.

Thinking it was one of the girls (with the exception Leigh Anne, because she also is hibernating in her room) I tried to seem happy and strong. But seeing it was only Harry I let out a breath of relief and patted the spot next to me on my bed.

See, the thing with Harry is that it's so much easier to be myself and not worry about trying to please him by acting otherwise. He knows I need more than two weeks to truly trust anyone (any boy, other than these five boys who have been nothing but caring these past few weeks) and he's giving me time to heal. One of the things I love about him.

"Hey Harry, what is it?" I asked, putting my phone down to where it was moments before. He looked slightly uncomfortable and I began worrying what was wrong. "Harry?" He looked up and I saw he was still trying to think of a way to say what he wanted to say.

He was about to speak when I quickly thought over it again and decided not to say that. I rolloed my eyes impatiently and said, "just tell me what it is."

So he did.

"Next Wednesday you are going to be interviewed. All four of you, actually. the rest of the girls know, and they decided that I should be the one to tell you." I nodded with no interest. "Okay, I'll do it. I need to confirm that I am now single and happy." I sighed, because the last part was yet to be true. Today was Tuesday, so the interview was a week away.

"Thanks for the heads up, Harry." I thanked him, and he left soon after that. He was the last person to come into my room that whole week. I intended on going out with Jade on Friday, but she ditched the plan and said the boys and all three girls were going to go roller-skating. When she invited me I turned her down, only wanting to spend time with her or Jesy or Harry.

So I stayed locked up in my room, only coming out on midnight or sometimes even 3 am to get food, as the boys stayed up, and only to go to our concerts. Jesy was a big reason for my health and well being.

I don't like having people hover me and tell me to get better. I like taking my time and that's exactly what I'm doing. Though I accept Jesys help doesn't mean I accept Jade's or Leigh's. I can do just fine without their nagging or unneeded attention.

I stayed curled up in a ball, trying to find myself. Unable to, I groaned in annoyance and decided to listen to some music. I laid there, listening to random tunes, trying to think about nothing. I ended up sleeping, dreaming my life of how it once was.

Peaceful, enjoyable, fun, un-extravagant. Now it seems all over the place, and I feel like I'm not myself anymore. And it's about time I begin to be the true me. Who ever likes me for who I am will be the one, because I am done with hiding and pretending. Done.

- ̗̀ a/n  ̖́-

So yes, I am still breathing and alive. Why have I not updated? simple, I've died over stories I've read and come back to life when they updated. So sorry for the wait, I'm just all over the place (like Perrie) trying to write one chapter for this book, another chapter for another book and I am slowly organizing my schedule. Who knew writing was so difficult? it's worth it though. :)

Please comment or vote (fanning is completely optional) I really don't know if anyone is still reading lol

This story has about 16 chapters left. I think once I'm done with school (starting on Summer break) I will update so much more frequently. :) Xx

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