Chapter 25 | Smile Gorgeous

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Dedicated to: @silentmind_ hope you enjoy this chapter! (:

and everyone else too! x

Chapter 25 | Smile, Gorgeous

I stood with my arms crossed, steady and waiting for someone to tell me what was going on. The longer I waited, the more impatient I became. After waiting for a complete hour, I was done for. "I'm going back to my room." I yelled to the girls in their rooms, "fixing up", as they claimed.

I left the main room in the hotel all grumpy, wondering why I even let myself be manipulated by this. It was all Jesy's fault! She tricked me. Its not my fault she is a good manipulator.

I'd discovered that I could have people serve me food without me having to leave my room so for the last few days each hotel room we'd been at, I'd stay locked up for good, only making appearances for concerts and signings.

As I walked to my room, I hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me. They made my turn around and I found Harry looking at me. I eyed him, finding myself unable to form any words.

Harry had dressed up in some fancy tuxedo, really good looking if I do say so myself. I found him staring at me, completely lost in thought. I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to explain what was going on.

He didn't say anything so I spoke up and asked, "Harry, why are you in a tux?" He gave me a cheeky smile and answered with a simple "because", which annoyed me to no end. Goodness, what is it with these people?!

"That's nice, but I'm going back to my room now." I said, shoving past him and continued my small journey to my hotel room. I heard Harry yell out "Wait!" and I stopped in my tracks. Soon enough, Harry was in front if me once again, this time panting slightly. I must walk fast.

"Go to your room and read the directions written on the paper on your bed. Then, once you've changed, come out an go where the note tells you too. After the last one, we will leave." Harry instructed, giving me a reassuring nod. I walked around him and found myself confused. What instructions? Why do I need to change? Oh heavens.

I walked into my hotel room and shut the door behind me. I walked to my unmade bed and saw the paper Harry told me about. I picked it up to read "Get dressed in the clothes that are inside. Then go to Jade's room."

I saw a box closed with a lid on it lying near where the note was placed. I opened the box lid and found a white lacy dress, absolutely gorgeous. I took it out and saw the rest of the dress, making me drop the note in surprise. Whoever picked out the dress for me sure knew my taste.

I quickly changed into the new outfit and once I did I looked back into the box only to see some jewelry. I put on a few bracelets and pulled out a sample bag with a necklace inside it. It was the last thing in the box. I closed the box and took out the necklace. It was breathtaking. Stunned, I stared at it for a few moments, unable to move my gaze away. It was perfectly simple but gorgeous. I smiled at it before putting it on.

I picked the note up and remembered I needed to go to Jade's next. I went out of my room and searched for Jades room. Once I reached it, I knocked on it hesitantly. It was opened a moment later by a glamorous Jade. She smiled at me and pulled me inside her hotel room. I was about to ask what was going on but she made me sit on the chair right in front of her vanity and began brushing my hair.

I didn't feel like trying to get a response out of her when obviously she wasn't going to answer, so I looked around the counter of her vanity. It had a lot of make up and hair tools, but a small crumpled blue piece of paper caught my attention.

I opened it to see the same elegant writing as the last note. Except this time it wrote "After Jade finishes your hair, go to Jesy's room."

I looked up in the mirror and was surprised to see most of my hair curled. I didn't even notice she already started. I guess that's Jades talent, working with hair. And singing. Yeah, that too.

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