Chapter 8 | Secret Wonders

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So many comments! Everyone was for team Zayn lol x) Just a lot of Zerrie love I guess. Like promised, some Zerrie action, but of course not much as we just had Herrie action.

Dedication to : @LouisTomlinson4558 x

Chapter 8 | Secret Wonders

I was waiting for the boys to finish getting ready when I went on twitter. I followed a few people and tweeted about how bored I was. I got quick responses, which always has me startled and overly satisfied.

I was impressed by how the fastest out of all of them was Zayn. Quite surprised too. I hadn't noticed Zayn standing behind me while I put my phone down next to me and grabbed the notebook sitting on the table in front of me. I think it was Niall's, but I'm not sure. Anyways, I flipped the book to a fresh, new page, and began writing.

Now, if I knew Zayn was behind me, I would have never even touched the notebook. But of course, he had to be silent and spy on me, so I wrote down some very embarrassing stuff.

What I wrote:

I feel so silly, writing down how much what he thinks of me affects me. Does he think I'm funny? Cute? Weird? Strange? Ugly? Does he even think about me? If so, does he think about me as much as I think about him? Does he know I like him? If I showed any sign I liked him, would he get the hint? Would he be disgusted by the fact? I'm insanely curious, does he like another girl? How is she like? Is she prettier? Fun to hang out with? Is she his one and only? Is he her one and only? I wonder-

"Zayn! Lad, where is your cologne?" I heard Liam yell. I jumped, the pencil dropped out of my hand. I bent down to pick it up, and find Zayn reading what I just wrote once I got the pencil.

"It's next to my hair gel in the bathroom, mate!" Zayn yells back, still reading. My eyes widen, and I jump up to take it out of his hand.

Of course, Zayn puts it out of my reach, seeing this as a game. Zayn, I swear to god... I jumped up, trying to get it but failed.

"Zayn! Please!" I was pouting at him, hoping to make some sort of difference. He only shook his head, chuckling. I huffed and kept trying. He turned around when I was sort of succeeding, so I took the opportunity to jump on his back and try to get the notebook.

Obviously Zayn was surprised, as he almost lost balance. I yelled, but he had already regained his balance. I laughed, and Zayn soon joined in. I think he finished reading it, as he handed me the notebook. It was a little hard to grab it, but I managed. I then realized I was still on his back and tried to get off, but he wouldn't let me.

"No, stay. I'll give you a little tour of the tour bus." I giggled and nodded, discarding the already-forgotten-notebook. He started off with the kitchen, which was a mess. He showed me the sleeping area and whose bed was whose. I laughed when I saw the boys pushing each other in the bathroom, trying to get a glimpse of themselves in the mirror. They apparently heard my laugh as they all turned their heads to Zayn and mine's direction. I half waved, as I had my arms around Zayn's chest.

Louis and Niall smirked at us, eyeing my arms around him. I stuck my tongue out, which they childishly returned. Liam and Harry were too busy prettying themselves up. Zayn continued the tour with a silly smile on his face, though I'm sure I had a matching grin.

• • •

"Make haste, lads! The paparazzi will show up any second. Ladies, you too," Paul said, as we rushed to the van. The aforementioned lads were taking me and the rest of the girls to a fun surprise to apologize for the unmentionable overrreaction from earlier.

I was honestly excited. Their surprises were usually very fun. In the car, me, Zayn, Niall and Jade were in the back. Niall and Jade were in a deep conversation about pickles, but I wasn't sure.

I was looking outside the window, wondering where we were going, when Zayn spoke to me.

"So you like somebody?" He asked, various emotions in his voice I couldn't idenify. I blushed when I remembered what happen that morning. He didn't even know I was writing about him! ...And a little bit about Harry. Of course, things between Harry and I were a little weird. First, we hug and talk and laugh, then the next day it's like I don't exist. It's a completely different level of confusing.

"Yes, I do." I answered after battling myself if I should tell him the truth or not. It's not like he knows it's him, right?

"Oh" was his brilliant response.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked, mostly nonchalantly, when inside I was dying to know the answer.

"Maybe. It's too early to know." He answered. I nodded, feeling my heart sink a little. He likes someone, who almost certainly wasn't me. I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I stayed silent.

The rest of the ride was quiet, a few glances shared, but that was it, and it was heart breaking.

Vote if you liked this early chapter & want more ;) Comment where you think the Fun Surprise is! :)


P.S I was listening to Ed Sheeran while writing this chapter and it inspired most of the Zerrie action ;)

[edited 05-23-16]

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