Chapter 3 | Moment in Time

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Chapter 3 | Moment in Time

Once we ordered, I cleared my throat, and spoke as smoothly as I could. "So, um, Zayn, it's rumoured you have a new girlfriend. Care to enlighten us with the truth?" My heart broken a little when I said new girlfriend. Oh, how I wish it was me.

"Oh. I've been hanging out with Sami a lot, but she's just a friend." He smiled, his eyes twinkling with humor. As I nodded, I wondered what that twinkle was for. He took my opening as a cue to interrogate me.

"So," He said conversationally, "are you in a relationship?" Yes. With you and Harry.

"Nope, I'm as single as can be." I responded instead. Being on the topic of relationships made me breathless and excited. It was a daunting thing for me, especially talking about it with the boy I liked.

The so said boy was about to ask something else, I think, but the waiter came to our table and served our food. As he gave me my order, he slipped a peice of paper in the folded napkin. I looked up at him, and was astounded to find he was cute. I sent a smile his way, maybe overly friendly. He winked and left. I looked at Zayn, and he was stiff to the bone.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He closed his eyes, nodded twice and after 30 seconds—not that I was counting—he opened his eyes. There a sparkle, but it was a sparkle of dark anger.

"What happened? Why are you angry?" I asked, confused to why his eyes were so dark and how I found him even more attractive.

He looked directly at my eyes, like he was looking at my soul, and relaxed. I was left bewildered as he looked away. I tried catching his eyes, but he had already started eating, and was deeply concentrated on his food. I sighed and started eating mine, which consisted on a small plate of 3 little taco's, a salad, some sauce, and a coffee.

At that moment I remembered I was starving.

I began eating right away, filling my mouth with the heavenly taste of Mexican food. Thank goodness Louis picked this restaurant.

I ate half of the salad, then put the rest in the tacos. I put a little bit of the sauce on my first taco, which tasted absolutely wonderful. I put the rest of the sauce in the other tacos. I finished the tacos a few short minutes after that. I started drinking some of my coffee, and got up to throw my trash away. When I came back, Zayn sat there, wide eyed.

"What?" I questioned, hoping I didn't have any sauce on my face. I touched my face to check.

"You ate everything in less then 10 minutes." He stated, like it was extremely astonishing. As if.

"So? I only got 3 small tacos and a salad." I shrugged. He just shook his head at me, his eys still a little wide, and got up to throw his trash away. While he was gone, I looked at the never-used napkin, which sat next to my coffee. I picked it up and looked inside, only to find no piece of paper.

I looked at Zayn at the exact time he got a piece of paper out of his pocket and threw it away. It didn't come to me right away, but when it did, I could hardly process the thought without rejecting it.

It can't be the same paper. He wouldn't care. Don't even think like that, Perrie.

Zayn came back smiling mischievously. "That's a very bright expression for someone who came back from throwing away garbage." I accused, raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, I'm just a happy guy." He shrugged off my suspicion and went back to smiling that wicked smile, my heart skipping a few beats as he did so.

"Perrie, are you done yet?" I turned my head to see Jesy and Harry sitting next to each other at the booth behind me. I became instantly jealous, though I had no reason to. It's not like I wasn't sitting next to my other crush.

"Yes. Zayn's finished too." I pulled my lips into a smile with effort. She smiled back.

"Good. Once Liam and Niall" —Niam!— "finish, the boys wanted to play laser tag. Are you in?" I bobbed my head up and down, ecstatic to play laser tag. She laughed, giving me a thumbs up. Then she went back to talking with Harry.

I turned back, bitting my lip to keep myself from saying something stupid about her and Harry. Instead, I sat staring at the other side of my booth. I felt Zayn's gaze on me, but I chose to ignore him. He mumbled something. It sounded like "stop that." Without thinking about it, I turned to look at him, but he was a lot closer than I had originally thought. Being three inches away from him made me feel a little dizzy.

"Stop that." He whispered, confirming what I heard he mumbled was in fact correct.

"Stop what?" I breathed, my brain unable to work with Zayn so close to me. His breath was hot on my cheek, and I was tempted to kiss him at that moment.

"Stop biting your lip." He started leaning in, and I was barely starting to do the same, but Niall's voice interrupted the mood.

"Let's go guys." At the sound of his voice, I immediately jumped back. Damn it.

I looked at Zayn with a blush on my cheeks, and was shocked to find he looked annoyed by the interruption. Wait. He's not annoyed that we got interrupted. He's annoyed because... Of something else. I'm sure of it.

I got up, putting space between us before I jumped him and forcefully kissed him. Instead, I went to stand by Jade, who was talking to Leigh-Anne. I vaguely heard their interaction, and instead thought of what had just happened.

A thought came to me, and my mind was blown.

Zayn Malik and I had a moment.

Here's Chapter 3! Thanks for the votes on the last chapter. Can I get at least five comment for this chapter? It would mean a lot! c: Thank you!

Love you.


{ 05/24/14 - so I realized all of my first chapters are crappy and short so please don't stop reading bc of the grammar or short chapters, after I finish the book I will revise and make the chapters better. Thank you! }

[edited 2-9-16]

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