Chapter 20 | Suspicions

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Dedication to: @miss_suzi because I haven't dedicated any chapters to her and she definitely deserves it! :)

Chapter 20 | Suspicions

I was with Al, talking and eating in my hotel room. We were in here by ourselves; The boys had left for the interview. Jade was skyping with Sam, her boyfriend, in her room. Jesy went out with Leigh Anne shopping in the new area, as we were now in Las Vegas, Nevada. I had brought Al along after a lot of persuading to come.

We hadn't come out to public with our relationship yet, we were waiting for the right moment. It had been a week since I met Al, so I had to make sure we would last a while (at least) to share my relationship with the world. Al took my hand and played with it, making me smile.

He had asked me to be his girlfriend two days ago, a day after settling in Las Vegas. We had two shows in the area, and last night was the first show. Today was the second concert, meaning tomorrow was our last day in Las Vegas. I was sad but excited to leave. I was planning to go shopping with Jesy and Leigh but Al insisted on staying with him. I gave in soon enough and we'd been talking and eating and watching the TV at the same time for two hours.

I couldn't even look at another piece of pizza. Al and I groaned simultaneously, obviously full. We laughed and turned on the television, looking for something good to watch. I snuggled into him. his arm slung around me lazily.

I heard Al's phone ring, and so did he. He stood up and told me to wait a moment. He left the room and I stayed in the same position. I thought random thoughts while staring at the screen. I got thirsty after five minutes and I went to the kitchen.

I searched for a cup and then poured water into it. I passed through the hallway and halted when I heard Al's laugh. I smiled at the sound, but it soon disappeared when he spoke again. "I'm not sure of how I feel. It's like, wrong, but it feels right." I felt touched by that and began walking away, trying to hide my upcoming smile.

I stopped suddenly when I heard a dark laugh come from his room. It couldn't be him, could it? No one else was in the room, but the laugh was unlike him. I made an uncertain humph.

I tried to shrug off my suspicions and sat down on the couch, but I was unable to do so with ease. But then again, why should I be suspicious? I was being paranoid and I was being a baby. I should trust Al, not look for reasons not to.

When he came back we began a new movie, intently watching, snuggled together. I had forgotten all about the conversation I overheard, and instead was now focused to not cry. You can't blame me, Instructions Not Included was so sad. Al calmed me, not making fun of me, but admiring my sensibility. I wonder how I got so lucky to have him.

The girls came a but after that, they were all smiles and giggles coming in. when they saw us, only Jesy's eyes narrowed. An uneasy feeling swept over me, but I ignored it- at least I tried.

I waved and I got up, starting a conversation with Leigh on how things went the day. She said they had a blast and made many memories, and how much she wished I was there. I promised her the next time I would be.

We all had a fun time the rest of the day that the girls - Jade finally finished skyping Sam- and I almost forgot that we had to leave to soundcheck. Al said he'd swing by before the concert started. I felt disappointed that he wasn't coming to sound check, but I didn't speak my thoughts out loud.

The questioning stares the girls sent me were burning holes through me, but I didn't allow myself to show anything. We had fun that night, the crowd was loud and energetic, but I wasn't really feeling it. Al never showed up to the concert, and I was worried.

When we went to the hotel I saw Al sleeping in his bed. I sighed and covered him up, feeling relived that he was fine but anger that he made me worry and not enjoy the show.

I fell asleep soon after that, feeling drained.

- ̗̀ a/n  ̖́-

Please vote even though its a horribly short chapter.

Little Mix to the side >

Also, I'd like to thank Lorde for the tunes she's made to give me inspiration for this chapter lol. x

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