Chapter 17 | Exploration

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Happy 2014! {This chapter includes lots of little details y'all should pay close attention to.} Enjoy! x

Dedication to: @LilMDuck Thanks for commenting love! Enjoy the chapter :)

Chapter 17 | Exploration

We had left our hotel only hours ago; I shared my last moments with Warpy. We had just arrived at Texas. Our show in Houston was tonight, but tomorrow the boys had an interview in Nashville. We were in a new hotel, not exactly as glamorous as the last but I'm not complaining. I was set on going out today; not only for exploration benefit, but for the fact that Monica reminded me I hadn't greeted fans for a while now. I didn't mean to seem unappreciative, I just simply lost track of time.

I was wearing a new outfit, a blue knit sweater and black high waisted jeans. It wasn't too chilly outside but I knew there would be wind by the weather report and I prepared myself. I got my bag and left the new hotel. I went down the elevator and looked through the windows, seeing no paparazzi out. Shielding myself from the sun, I put on my glasses.

It was currently August, the 25, exactly a month into the tour. I hope the rest of the tour goes as lovely as this month did. I walked outside and it was beautiful. I was gasping three seconds after leaving the hotel. We were in the southern part of Houston, and it was better than I expected. I'm not sure what I expected, really, but not this.

This part of the city, everything was perfectly together, old buildings with the new ones mixing and making the perfect setting. I am beyond jealous of the people who get to call this their home, but I am grateful for mine and I'd never wish for anything different. I looked back when I heard camera clicks to see a few men following me. Paparazzi. I sighed deeply before turning around, pretending I don't hear them yelling for me to turn again, to answer their questions.

As I tune out their pesky voices out of my mind, I decide to go to the nice little coffee shop in the corner. I speed walk to it, wanting to get away from them as fast as possible. I reached the shop, and I sigh in relief. I can't let them ruin my good exploring day, I scold myself as I sit in the corner of the shop, the farthest away from the windows. The shop was honestly much bigger than I expected. And it had a stage, indicating it was more than "the small coffee shop in the corner", which wasn't bad.

The waiter comes to take my order, and I order before sighing as the waiter left. I wasn't very hungry, but as I didn't eat in the morning, might as well take advantage of the offer. The waiter comes back a few minutes later, giving me a cup of hot coffee, with my giant muffin. I thank him before taking a sip of my coffee, quietly dismissing him.

I stared at the walls, curiously wondering why they picked the creamy white color. it was pretty, especially with the pictures on the walls, giving a spontaneous effect to the place. I began sipping more of the coffee as I heard soft footsteps becoming louder and louder. I looked to my side, to see a boy coming to me.

I'll admit it, the boy was cute. Though, I would say the guy was cute, though he looked no older than 23. I immediately looked down, feeling quite shy all of a sudden. Shoes came to my view as I felt his presence. He cleared his throat, forcing me to look at him. When I did, I got a better look at his features. He was an and muscular, but nothing compared to Zayn or Harry. His face held boyish features, such as his eyes, which were the perfect shade of blue, that twinkled with adventure and mischief.

HIs lips were full, but I didn't stare too long, I didn't want to seem weird. "Yes?" I asked as soon as I could organize my thoughts. He smiled at me as he spoke, and he looked drop dead sexy. "I was wondering if I could company you for a while, you seemed lonely." I bit my lip, but soon felt the confidence took over me. "I'm actually fine," I told him, raising my eyebrow slightly. I could see his smile falter a little. I continued. "But you can sit with me, if you'd like." I gave his a toothy grin, feeling extremely nervous and excited when I saw him smile fully again.

"What's your name?" He asked after a moment of silence. I was startled by his sudden question, but I answered it anyway. "Perrie. And yours?" I asked, sending him a small smile. He grinned at me before speaking. "That's a nice name. Never heard it on a girl, but I like it," He winked. I felt my cheeks grow warm, signaling I was blushing. Why am I blushing? Before I could come up with some explanation to the question, he kept on speaking. "I'm Almar. Call me Al." He gave me a lopsided grin that made me feel fuzzy inside. Why am I feeling like this? I'm nothing special, he's probably being nice. He's probably like this with every girl.

I was lost in thought, that when I heard his voice again I was confused. "I'm sorry?" I said, hoping he'll repeat himself without being annoyed. He chuckled and I felt myself flush again. "I only asked you if you're planning on eating the whole thing." He said with a soft voice, pointing at my half eaten muffin. I raised the muffin before taking a bite of the muffin. "Want to explore the city?" He asked with this excitement, with this hope, with this delicate voice that I couldn't tell him no even if I wanted to. Is it bad that I didn't want to decline? I didn't care at the moment, all wanted to do is spend more time with Al, to know him, to know what his favorite movie was and what he did with his free time.

"Yes." He stood up abruptly, and held out his hand for me to take. I didn't need help getting up, but I took it anyway. I got my purse and slung it over my shoulder before stuffing my mouth with the rest of the muffin. He still held my hand when we were outside, and I had a bad feeling about it. Not because I didn't want to hold his hand, but the fact that there will be pictures of this to tomorrow or possibly tonight had me worried about how Al might feel about it.

Before I could even bring up the subject though, he exclaimed "the parks right around the corner" and pulled me towards it. We went to the swings, simply swinging and conversing. I found out that his favorite color was in fact blue, he liked to play with his dog, Ginger, he liked to cook in his free time, and he was in love with the film "The Lion King". And if he paid attention --which I'm pretty sure he did because he continued his with his endless questions-- he learned I like every color for many reasons, I like the number 3 because its perfect in my opinion, I enjoy reading fantasy and fiction, I love cupcakes and I like to try new things.

We ended up talking for over three hours, it was two when we finished our conversation about why Iphones are so big under a big oak tree to the side of the park. I told him I was starving and he suggested the same shop we met in. "Why?" I asked him, interested. He explained that they did karaoke in the afternoon at the shop, and thats why they had a stage and that it gets full and their are really talented people singing every night. I easily agreed, and we were our way to what I know realized is called "Coffee Palace".

I entered after him, amazed to see how crowded it was in the shop. I followed Al to the front, staring at the girl singing with wide eyes. Her voice was so different from what I had ever heard. I can't really explain it, but I know if she wanted to become famous there was no reason she wouldn't succeed. I swayed with the crowd, cheering at random moments for her. When she stopped I clapped harder than comfortable, but I wanted to show her I really did enjoy her performance.

For a good while I danced with Al and watched the people sing and simply have a blast. And then a few girls recognized me. "Oh my god it's Perrie Edwards!" One of them exclaimed. Soon lots of people started crowded around. Al held a puzzled face as he told them to give me space. "How do they know you?" He asked, bewilderment clear in his features. I smile sheepishly at him as I explain to him who I am. He looks less confused and more excited when he hears I am actually in a band.

He was smiling wildly when I ended my stupidly long speech that held too much details. "So you're a British singer from a band?" I thought it was obvious I was British, but I nodded. His smile grew wider and happier. It was a sight, let me tell you. He pulled me backstage, talking with people I didn't know. I stood there awkwardly until I heard m name mentioned in the conversation. 'What about me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Al smirked and the man he was talking to looked at me expectantly. "So you can sing?" He asked, his bored expression telling me he didn't believe it. I nodded, looking at Al for a moment before looking at the man again. He nodded slightly before saying to me, "Well your next. Good luck." He gave me a pat on the back before talking to Al, leaving me shocked and unprepared.

- ̗̀ a/n  ̖́-

I'm sorry some of the pictures/gifs disappeared in some of the chapters, I'm trying to fix that. Also, please comment and vote! I love feedback and I always try to comment back :-)

Lots of love x

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