Chapter 18 | Karaoke

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{ Dedication to: @LiLaLeoniiie }

Chapter 18 | Karaoke

On stage, in front of thousands of people who could despise me or adore me, singing my heart out with all my might, I don't get nervous. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's the fact that I have three other girls on stage with me, and they support me and encourage me to do my best, to just sing with passion and forget everything else. Or maybe it's because I confide on the crowd, gaining confidence when the crowd sees me on stage, when I begin singing and they start clapping and yelling and giving me energy.

But this wasn't one of those times. I swiped off the sweat that I was starting to feel dripping with the back of my hand, growing anxious that I looked disastrous. I checked myself out in the mirror one last time, happy my make up was still perfect. I tied my hair in a ponytail when I was out with Al, and I was nervous it might seem awful. I knew it wasn't, but I couldn't help but worry that it was. I felt Al pushing me in encouragement towards the stage, but I just frantically looked at him, silently pleading to give me more time to prepare. "Go on, you'll do great!" He gave me a small smile, helping me calm myself.

I wasted no time going on stage. I presented myself, sounding calm and collected instead of scared and in a mess like I was inside. "Hello. I'm Perrie Edwards, and I got asked to sing a song tonight." I waited until the claps and cheers stopped, before speaking into the microphone again. "I will be singing "Take a Bow" by Rihanna. Enjoy." As the music began, I could feel the narrow eyes stare at me in suspicion. They didn't really know if I could sing, but they were about to find out.


How about a round of applause? Yeah

A standing ovation? Ooh

As I began the song, "You look so dumb right now," I saw a few eyes widen, taking in my voice, the passion behind it. I sang softly but full of emotion, I couldn't help it when my voice rose when the chorus came. It felt good to sing in small crowds like this, when you could see everyone in the crowd, when you can see and appreciate everyone who cheers for you, who moves to the music, who sings along with you.

As I came closer to the ending, I began to come closer to the crowd. I sat on the stage, ending loudly but delicately. The crowd immediately began to clap and cheer. I felt proud to make the group of people happy. They all enthusiastically told me to sing more. but I felt as if I was taking the place of someone else with potential skills. "Maybe I'll sing before I leave." I told the upset crowd when I saw the disappointment in their eyes after telling them I wasn't going to sing another song. Their eyes lit up, and they nodded, agreeing with the idea.

I went backstage to smothered by compliments. "Lovely voice Perrie! I've never seen the crowd like that." "Incredible performance! I loved it." "Wow, you have real talent. I absolutely enjoyed it." And then came the man who had no confidence in me. I raised an eyebrow, waiting. "That was okay. I've heard better." The man said, huffing out in annoyance.

I smiled slyly at him before turning to Al with a grin. He was grinning too, and spoke in such a proud way my heart fluttered. "That was beautiful Lei... beautifully done Perrie!" He corrected himself, his smile faltering a bit. I found myself grow curious to the mistake, but with that dazzling smile and that now full bear hug he was giving me made me completely forget that topic. I hugged back and for the first time since the kiss Zayn and I shared, felt deeply cared for.

I guess in the end that's what I wanted. To be cared for, to be loved by, to be adored and appreciated by that one special person. Eventually Al let go of me, but gave me a reassuring smile. At that moment, I knew I liked him more than a friend. And it was so fast, too. But the way his hand was still on my waist, the way he looked at me, how close he was, I found myself liking it. Yet I had this nagging feeling he wasn't the one for me. I ignored it, and smiled back, a full out, "I really like you" smile that was sure to be noticed even by complete fools.

He left me after the smile, saying he was going to get a drink. 'You want anything? You must want water after that amazing performance." I agreed, and nodded fast. He chuckled at me before leaving me by myself backstage. I was standing still for a moment, watching everyone around me do their own thing before I actually moved away from the curtains and closer to the side passage to go to the crowd.

A lot of fans were waiting for me there, and screamed when they saw me. "Oh my gosh, Perrie Edwards!" "Holy shit it's her! It's really her!" "I wish I was her! Look at her, she's beautiful!" And my personal favorite, "Hi Perrie! Your voice is the most beautiful voice I've ever heard! Grand performance out there." I smiled at all of them before I took pictures with all of them, taking time to know them, to converse and laugh.

After I finished taking pictures with the fans, I went to the dance floor and danced some more. I had a great time with al, but I met new people as well. I met Kaili, a beautiful red head with a brilliant smile that lit up the place. I also met her boyfriend, Conner. He was a nice fello, and he had big brown puppy looking eyes that could trick you into doing anyhing.

I had a blast with my new friends that I didn't relize how late it was getting until it was too late.

I was drained of energy as I sat down on a chair, leaning over the counter and asking for a nice hot coffee. I waited for my order to come when I saw them. Jade. Jesy. Leigh Anne. Harry. Niall. Liam. Louis. Zayn. my eyes widened as I saw them taking to some random folk, who pointed in my diection. I quickly hopped over the counter, and slumped down. The lady who took my order simply handed it to me, then pretended I wasn't there.

I was grateful she didn't create a commotion, but I knew I was doomed when I saw Al walking confusedly to where I was sat only seconds ago. 'Perrie?" He called out. I panicked as he said my name. Bloody idiot, don't say my name! Just as he called it out again, I heard Harry's voice. "Excuse me," he cleared his throat. "do you happen to know who Perrie Edwards is? And maybe her whereabouts?" His voice was raspy and low, I could imagine how cold his eyes were.

I sucked in air as I thought about my decision. Why was I so scared? They were probably just worried about me. I still felt my heart beating faster than normal, but even so I slowly stood up, drink in my hand. I gulped down some for encouragement, but I still felt nervous.

my friends glared at me for a few minutes before giving it a rest. "We were worried about you, love. We wanted to se you." Liam said with a big sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for worrying yo-" but I was cute off by Harry's voice. 'You are all over the media. Do you know how much bad media it is? Management is upset, trying to get your reputation up." The thick tone of disapproval dripping more with each word. Harry of course knew how much bad media could hurt and ruin someone, sohe certainly didn't wish it for others.

"I'm sorry! I swear I was trying o be careful but-" and Harry cut me off again. "This guy, whatever his name is, made most of that publicity bad!" Harry fuming by this point, and knew I had to calm him down before he lost it on Al, who was looking rather frightened. As I was about to try and calm him, Leigh surprisingly did before me. "Harry, we're in a public place. Paps are just outside. Don't do anything that wil lead to more distress for us." Her voice held disappointment, but her eyes held another emotion no where near disappointment; it was fear.

As I was about to call Leigh out for that, Louis spoke before me. "Lets go before they make up more stories about us." Everyone agreed and all headed to the door, while I stood still. I looked at al, rather upset I couldn't spend more time with him. "I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, but they're right to some extent." I smiled a little. He sent one back before wrapping his arms around me. "I'll see you around, Perrie." After he said that, he leaned down and kissed my cheek softly and sweetly. I was amazed by how suddenly he could leave me breathless and longing for more.

I nodded, most likely blushing as I went straight for the door, apologizing to the people for not singing again. I looked up at the giant clock above the door to see it was five thirty. We all needed to get to sound check, and get ready for the show. Oh my, the show is tonight! I walked faster towards the open door that was held by an impatient looking Zayn. I smiled sweetly at him as I walked out the door, and began the short walk to the hotel, drinking some of my coffee along the way.

- ̗̀ a/n  ̖́-

Like always, Perrie to the side >
Plus the video of Take a Bow by Rihanna >

Love every single one of you x

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