Chapter 11 | Confusion & Confessions Part 1

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Chapter 11 | Confusion & Confessions Part 1


I swallowed, and finally had the courage to confront Zayn.

  "Zayn, wait."

"Yes?" He asked, turning around to face me. We were now standing behind the stands, which seemed a good place to do something stupid. Or courageous. I took a deep breath, and spoke up.

"Zayn, why didn't you tell her we aren't dating?"

He stood quiet, probably trying to think something up at the spot. I tried to be patient, but with no luck. How long does it take to come up with something? I began walking away, not wanting to let him see my embarrassment.

I felt like an idiot, asking him that. He goes through fake assuptions everyday, of course he has learned how to ignore it. Why didn't I think of that before I said something?

I felt his large hand on my shoulder, making me turn to face him. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I heard him sigh, almost a sad sigh, but why would he be sad?

"Perrie..." He whined, like a little kid. I resisted the sudden urge to look at him and see the pout that was surely there. He put his hand on my cheek, making me look at him.

In the light, which was quite dim, yet perfectly bright, his eyes shined, making them look a shade lighter than they actually were. His beautiful eyes were staring at my blue ones, probably trying to read them.

I scooted further away from him when he started leaning in. I wanted to kiss him—God, did I want to kiss him—but right now he was confusing me, and I wanted my first kiss to be more sentimental, as cheesy as that sounds.

Noise swirled all around us, loudly, but I ignored it. That is, until I heard this perfect song, and couldn't help but hum along.

'Cause your the apple to my pie, your the straw to my berry
Your the smoke to my high, and your the one I want to marry
'Cause your the one for me, for me
And I'm the one, for you, for you
You take the both of us,
And we're the perfect two'

I got distracted by the song, so distracted, I didn't even notice what Zayn was doing, until it was too late. I felt myself get picked up, not standing up anymore. Zayn was carrying me, bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I asked, not exactly yelling at him, but my voice rose involuntarily. He only chuckled, making me sigh, knowing I wouldn't get anything out of him.

I was set down after a minute, and I happily smoothed my shirt down. I picked up the panda I dropped only a few seconds earlier. I looked around to see where we were, but what I saw was not what I expected at all.

I looked at Zayn questioningly, when I noticed his hands were empty. I felt worry bubble up inside of me, as my confused stare turned into a frantic glare.

"Where is my candy?" I clenched my panda bear free hand, getting ready to throw useless punches at him.

Zayn didn't look scared at all. Instead, he seemed amused, and a little too cheerful. "Don't worry, I have it in my pocket." He patted his leather jacket's pocket to prove his point. I only rose my eyebrow, less upset than before.

  "Zayn, why'd you bring me here?" I no longer felt the worried, but confused again. He only smiled at me, and handed two tickets to the ticket guy. He nodded and Zayn held on to my hand, pulling me to the Ferris Wheel.

I shrugged and decided to not question him. I got on after him, sitting to his side, not only because I wanted to, but more because I wasn't at all that good with heights. When it started moving, I felt my heart pick up the speed.

To distract me, most likely, Zayn started talking. "So, uh, have you been enjoying the fun fair?" He asked. hastily.

"I don't know. For the first five minutes you had your gigantic hands over my eyes, not letting me enjoy it. Then when I'm finally enjoying myself a little bit, you have to ruin it by making me extremely confused, and—" Zayn cut me off, confused himself.

  "How did I make you confused?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I got a little distracted—which seems to happen a lot now—by the way his eyes were sparkling because of all the lights around us. The way he was biting his left cheek, waiting for my response. The way that his nervousness was obvious miles away.

I didn't feel prepared to tell him the truth, the honest truth, but I felt like this has been going on forever, when honestly, it's only been a week or something. It didn't feel right to keep secrets from him, from anyone really, but, from him the most.

I knew right there that I was going to tell him; that I like him, how he makes me feel, the bewilderment he's been giving me, everything. Well, everything except Harry. That, I have yet to know myself.

I cleared my throat, getting his attention. He must've been lost in his thoughts, too.

He looked up, sitting up straighter, not looking ready for my answer. With all honesty, I wasn't even prepared for the answer that came out.

I'm soooooo sorry this is so late! I've been busy with school and crap. Crappy excuse, I know, but it's true.

Part 2 should be out... this week. Hopefully. Xx

[edited 6/29/16]

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