Chapter 4 | The Last Ones Standing

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Thank you @Taylor_Malik1 for the beautiful comment and I'm happy you're enjoying the book!

Ily <3

Chapter 4 | The Last Ones Standing

We were headed to the place Niall recommended for laser tag, the whole bunch in one car. I was in between Harry and Niall, which wasn't a bad seat. Niall kept on looking outside impatiently, his excitement to get to our destination getting to us. Harry kept looking outside, then looking at me. I was a little uncomfortable, unsure how good I looked after a whole day of not looking in the mirror, but I didn't show it.

Zayn was sitting in the back with Jade, Leigh Anne, and Liam. I tried to ignore the fact that him and Jade were talking a lot.

Stop being so jealous. She is your best friend. And even though she doesn't know you have a crush on Zayn or Harry, she wouldn't do anything. She has a boyfriend. I kept reminding myself. The reminder wasn't doing much to settle my jealousy.

We arrived at the colorful laser tag place, and got out of the van. We went inside and payed for all of us to have a private session. We waited around ten minutes for the group to finish up in one room to be able to play. Niall was nearly losing his mind at being so close yet not able to reach it. When it cleared up, we went inside, and put on the vests. Then a girl handed us our guns. She was extremely touchy with Harry, which led me to grab his arm and pulling him towards me shouting, "Harry's my partner!" mostly to make her jealous. It worked like a charm.

I think he noticed why I did it, and was smirking at me. I just shrugged and smiled, loading my gun with an exceptionally good mood. Once all of us were ready, we began the game. We had all partnered up, so it was Jesy and Jade, Leigh Anne and Louis. Liam and Niall, Harry and Me, and Zayn was a loner. I patted his back apologetically, then went to go find a place to hide.

The game was intense from the moment it began. Harry and I had pretty much hidden from the rest of the group since then.

"Why aren't we going for the kill?" Harry whispered, impatient to be part of the game.

I sighed playfully. "Because a few of them have to be out for us to be able to succeed. Now try and be quiet so they don't find us."

"You want us to hide, and let them do the dirty work?" He clarified.



I had to admit, we were pretty well hidden. They would never find us here. Plus, Harry's compliment made me a little dizzy with joy to function properly if we weren't.

I had been watching out for any of them just in case, but I knew none of them were even close. I made the mistake of turning to Harry, whose face was about three inches away from me. My breath hitched, and I scooted away from him.

He cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. I coughed. He tried to make it less awkward by starting a quiet conversation.

"So, um... did you like the restaurant? I loved the tacos," He grinned at me. I laughed at his taco comment, then answered with a nod.

"Of course. They were delicious. And the salad was good as well." I commented, my eyes searching for some signs of life. All we could hear from our spot was the shooting sound, and it made me anxious to know if anyone was out yet.

With my luck, they would all be waiting to ambush us first.

It as quiet in our hiding spot, until Harry spoke again.

"Do you like Zayn?" Harry blurted out. My eyes widened, and I turned to look at him, endangering our brilliant hiding spot with the noise I made. All I could think was, what did he just ask?

"Of course I do. He is a very nice guy." I managed to say, though I stumbled on nice guy.

Harry seemed to consider this, and nodded after a moment, like he hadn't just asked the craziest question of the century. "Yeah, cool."

I wanted to know why he asked that, but didn't question it. It would have brought the subject up again.

"I think Jade, Liam, Niall and Leigh Anne are out. Lets go." Harry whispered, his eyes trailing Louis' figure as he ran.

"Louis' all yours," I laughed, going the opposite direction he just came running from.

I went a few corners away from our hiding spot, and I could see Zayn and Jesy. They were shooting at each other, but missing horribly. I took my chance and hit Jesy right smack in the middle at least three times before she saw me and tried to shoot me.

Out of nowhere, Harry pulled me away from her sight, and then told me what to do.

"Okay, I just totally killed Louis. You can get Jesy, and I'll get Zayn." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why can't I take out Zayn?" I asked, confused. He was going to be easy to beat, since his aim was clearly horrid.

"Because he will be too hard for you. I'll be able to take him. I don't know how he survived this long, but he must have a good plan and I don't want my teammate out."

I was a bit annoyed he thought I couldn't get Zayn, and wanted to prove him wrong. I made sure I was on full charge as I began walking backwards.

"How about we just shoot all and try to survive? I'm better than you think." I winked, and left.

Okay, I'll admit, I had lied to him. I sucked at this game, but I really wanted to prove Harry wrong. I was hiding behind a big pole, when I heard footsteps. I checked to see who it was. Zayn.

He was walking over to my spot, not knowing I was there. I smirked, and walked in front of him. Before he knew what was happening, I was shooting. I shot after shot.

Once I saw he was surely out, I skipped away from him. Next I saw Jesy just a second after she saw me, and I was down to the ground. I looked behind me to see Harry, and he just winked and left.

It took me a moment to get up from my daze—t was all Harrys fault—but by then it was too late. Jesy had cornered me, and I was still getting up. As an instinct, I quickly went to her feet, and pulled them. She tripped, and I took her gun.

Then, I said "Adios amigo," and then I shot her. After two shots, she was dead. I turned around quickly, and saw Harry was upset. He was pouting at me, and I gave him an apologetic shrug.

We were the last ones standing.

"We won! Hell yeah!" I exclaimed, sticking my tongue out at all the losers. I gave Harry a tight hug to celebrate our victory.

"Nobody likes a braggart," Louis muttered sassily. I just ignored him. I wasn't that good at laser tag, so I hardly ever won. This was a big deal for me, and I was going to celebrate my first win in laser tag however I saw fit.

I was so happy, I kissed Harry's cheek. He seemed surprised at first, but just grinned back at me. I did a little happy dance, Harry joining me after a moment.

I went to the girls and apologized.

"Sorry about that. But you know I rarely win! At anything, really. So please don't be angry." I had a point, they all had their fair share of wins.

"We forgive you," Jade laughed. I laughed with her and hugged her, then the rest of the girls. Then I looked at the guys, who were already looking at me, and I hugged them. Every single one of their hugs were nice, and I loved them, but Zayn's was by far the best.

"So what now?" Niall asked curiously.

Liam responded uncertainly. "We go to the bus, I think."

We all agreed and left to the waiting car after a long, fantastic day.

So here is the filler! SO sorry again it was so short. But if you vote, then I promise to try and write sooner. And thanks for adding this book to your lists, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

[edited 02-15-16]

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