Chapter 33 | Over Again

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I'm not even sure what this is I just wrote and published, but, uh, enjoy :-)

Chapter 33 | Over Again

In a matter of minutes, the whole crew was inside two cars, and we were headed to the nearest bowling alley in the area. I had gone into the very back, and wasn't paying much attention to the conversation.

How could I? So much had happened that day. It all seemed very unrealistic. I had been kissed by the boy I loved, been told my old crush had liked me back, and only now was I coming to the realization that our last tour dates were coming up.

It was crazy to think I'd spent two months with these boys. It felt like a much longer time. As I stared out the window, I felt a rush of appreciation for how these months had turned out. I would have never expected to have another set of siblings after Little Mix was formed.

I looked back inside the car to see Niall making funny faces with Jade for a picture. We hit a bump just as he took the picture, so it looked blurry and a bit scary. The moment they saw it, they burst out laughing, and showed the picture to the others in the car. When it was passed to me, I couldn't help but laugh again, this time harder because the picture looked even more ridiculous up close.

The rest of the ride went along those lines. It was a fun ride, to say the least. When we closed up to the nearest bowling alley, we got quiet. It seemed that seeing the alley reminded us of our fresher days, when we only just started the tour together.

It made my heart swell up, but I got out with a smile, nonetheless.

We entered the place in our large group, and we received the consequences of going out without a second thought by being swarmed by fans at every direction.

I unconsciously stepped closer to Zayn, who somehow managed to be by my side, even when I had avoided him deliberately. Many fans came to my side, and to Zayn's, which caused us to be the first two to be crowded around. We were separated from the group, and we couldn't leave the fans without giving them what they wanted.

I took a deep breath and smiled at the first fan by my side, a short, dark skinned girl, who's grinned was wide and bright. She asked for a picture, and I of course agreed. We hugged, and on came the next person. This girl was taller than me, had attractive asian features and was considerably fitter.

Unlike most people realized, I also doubted myself. I felt like I should suck my stomach next to this girl, and stand straighter, but I didn't. It wasn't easy, but I'd learned a long time ago that comparing myself to others wouldn't help me at all. I smiled at the girl, and she returned it with a warm but nervous smile.

"Uh, hi. I'm Kaila. I'm going to the, um, concert tomorrow night. You're my favorite in Little Mix. Super big fan!" Kaila rushed her words by the end. She had her phone out, and was fiddling with it. Other fans were pushing her, trying to get to me or Zayn, who was also preoccupied with a fan.

"I hope you like what we got in store for you and your city," I replied with a smile. "As for me being your favorite, I'm greatly honored!" And it was true. Her words pulled me out of my "jealous of your figure" thinking, and hugged her tightly. I beamed at her after letting go (my shirt newly soaked with fresh -hopefully happy- tears), and took a couple of selfies with her before being pulled into another set of pictures with more fans.

After nearly twenty minutes of taking pictures with the seemingly growing crowd, security was able to get us inside safely. We got a bowling alley far away from others, very far back. We all ordered our pair of shoes and set our way to our alley.

Our teams were as followed: "Irish bs" (honestly, what other two idiots are there that would believe that name was adequate for their team?) "purple socks" (Jade and Harry -they seemed to be all smiles when they were paired together?!) "wicked beauties" (Jesy and Leigh - I have no idea how they got that idea-) and lastly, "hawkeyes' revenge" (which consisted of Liam, Zayn and me -we had just recently watched the Avengers when pulling an all nighter and thought he would be the best to avenge).

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