Chapter 28 | Interview

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please read the authors note at the end, thank you

*unedited big time, sorry*

Chapter 28 | Interview

Waiting is not my strongest fort.

I scrolled through my texts with the other girls hoping that the girls will somehow magically turn up and be by my side in no time. Of course, with my luck, I'd have to wait another half an hour for them.

With a sigh, I stood up and decided to call one of the boys to entertain me.

I called Louis first, as I hoped I could keep him as cheerful and happy. Except when I called, he didn't answer. I called Harry next. After the third ring, he answered. "Hello?"

I smiled at his tone, which was annoyed and snappy. "Hey Harry, how's it going?" It was silent for a moment, and then I heard shuffling and noises. I waited, but as I stated before, my patience wears out quite easily.

"You're on speaker now. And sorry for the waiting, I went to round up the boys so we could all talk to you." I smiled at his words. Harry is so sweet, I could feel myself blush at his actions.

"Gee, thanks Harry. And hello everyone." I tried to sound happy, but I think it came out slurred.

"Hey Perrie! Did you just call me? I couldn't answer, Lou was doing my hair. She wouldn't let me move." From his voice, I could tell he was pouting. I laughed and told him, "no worries."

Liam spoke next. "So where are you? I thought you girls were still getting ready at the hotel." His voice held confusion, and I giggled. It was adorable, like a lost puppy. I thought about his question before answering.

"Well, we were all supposed to meet outside of the interviewing place, but the girls took longer than expected and I came a tad bit earlier." I shrugged, even if they couldn't see me. It was silent for a while, and all I heard was breathing from the boys.

"Oh. well that wasn't very smart." Liam said with a laugh. I laughed in agreement. I guess I should have just waited for all of them. but I really wanted to come and I was all ready so here I am. I sighed heavily and really wished I would just stay with the group next time.

"Wait! I think I see Jade! I'll talk to you boys later, okay? Bye." I hung up without waiting a response. I ran to jade, who was leading Jesy and Leigh. Jade squealed in a high pitched voice and ran to medramatically. I laughed and hugged her when I reached her.

"What took you ladies so long? I have been waiting an eternity for all of you!" I exclaimed, feeling a lot better now that they were here.

"We got breakfast, calm your panties down." Jesy said, in a tone matching mine. I stuck my tongue out and she rolled her eyes before returning the gesture.

"Now now girls, lets go get seated and prepare for this interview!" Leigh Anne said, walking in between the two of us to get to the stage. We giggled it off and trailed behind her, Jade talking about some tvshow shes been loving.

We all sat: Jade closest to the interviewer, me next, then Jesy and finally Leigh Anne. While waiting and talking to each other about certain responses, Monica came over.

"I wish you ladies good luck, and try to leave out as many details as possible about the relationship problem." I knew that was mostly directed to me, and my "relationship problem", so I nodded.

"Great. You'll be fine, dear Perrie. No worries." And with that, she walked away, typing really quickly on her phone.

We had to wait about thirty minutes before the interview actually started, but it was alright, I actually didn't want it to start.

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