Chapter 22 | Confirmations

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Dedication to: @tealaelice11 bc you commented & you fanned. Thanks lovely xx.

Chapter 22 | Confirmation

Silently, I followed Zayn into his hotel room, wondering what would happen. I had been curious as to why he almost never talked to me anymore, but I had discarded him after a while too. He didn't deserve my attention if he kept on acting that way.

As we entered his room, my biggest suspicion came back to mind. Does he even approve of my relationship? He sends glares to me and Al, he is never around if Al is around, and whenever I get asked the question "Are you in a relationship?" He turns away and leaves. But why would I care if he doesn't like me and Al together, a lot of other people don't.

He sat down, and sighed. "Perrie, you might want to sit down too." Stiffly, I do the same. Those were the first words directed to me by his choice in a month. I stared at him, waiting for him to explain why he brought me here.

"I'm going to leave this simple and out there, okay?" I nodded. "I don't trust Al. I don't like him, he doesn't give you the respect you deserve. I know he's hiding something." I raised an eyebrow but let him continue before I exploded to defend Al.

"You answer truthfully, has he been a good boyfriend? Has he given you his full attention? Has he treated you like a gentleman?" I stayed quiet while I thought about it. Has Al been a 10 put of 10 boyfriend? He has been ignoring me a lot...

"I don't see why it's any of your business." I responded. I saw him slightly flinch at my tone. I hate being cold to Zayn, but he won't understand my reasoning, no one would.

"Please Perrie, answer me."

I couldn't take it, his questions making me question mine and Al's relationship, his soft pleading tone, his big eyes staring into my soul. "No!" I yelled, getting up, running to the door. I was about to twist the doorknob open when he caught my wrist and turned me around.

"Damn it Perrie. Stop fighting! Just admit it, he's not a worthy boyfriend!" Zayn raised his voice, but his hand on my wrist loosened. I stared up at him, feeling suddenly small and fragile. I shook my head, not wanting to admit he was right.

He let go of me fully, and turned around and swore forcefully at the wall. I felt flushed as I watched him take his anger out on the wall, punching it several times. I turned around and opened the door, needing to get away from Zayn.

I went to the hotel living room, wanting to leave the hotel with Al to get some space and be able to think. But when I walked in, he wasn't there. I was now very angry and Al made it worse. I yelled in frustration and headed to Jade's room. Only when I was about to knock did I realize that she might still be skyping. I went to Jesy's door and knocked. I opened the door after a moment because I got tired of waiting.

I opened the door to a sleeping Jesy. I stared wordlessly at the peaceful look on her face. I smiled slightly. I took a minute to breath and relax myself before I went to Leigh. I walked right in instead of knocking to see if she was awake. And boy, was she awake.

I walked in to a full on make out session. As I stated wide eyed, I tried to get aa good look at the boy. He was sat with bis back to me, but I could see he had a red shirt on, and hair was black, and I think the black ink on his arm looks familiar...

Like a hard slap the truth came out. Almar and Leigh were kissing right in front of me. I felt sad and all of a sudden, I couldn't see them there. I left without calling Al out. But it was definetely over. Al and I were no more. I felt so lonely, and I came here for comfort in the first place. I only have one person in my mind to get comfort from, and I walk faster to reach him.

I walked into his room, closing the door behind me. He looked up from his phone, and then he set it down beside him when he saw me. He studied my face before opening his arms towards me. I let out a shaky breath and ran to him. I was engulfed by his arms, and I let myself open completely to him.

He stayed silent the whole time, listening to me, nodding in understandment, rubbing my back soothingly and so mmuch more. When I finished the whole story and my sobs became silent, he finally spoke. "I'm so sorry, Perrie." I only nodded. We stayed in his bed that whole night.

He had his arms wrapped around me, keeping g me warm and comforted. I snuggled closer to him, glad he understood, glad he was such a great person. I let out my first calm breath since I came to his room.

I spoke quietly, but I'm sure he heard me. "Thank you, for everything, Harry." He kept rubbing my back, telling g me I should get some rest.

- ̗̀ a/n  ̖́-

Al has been caught (: Yay. haha I hope y'all liked this super short chapter. I'll probably edit and add more tomorrow or soon, but right now I'm on my tablet and I can't do much.

I'll put a picture/gif. asap k

Y'all reached the goal! (: Thank you, I love y'all.

Guess what? ok so I have 2 things. A) We are halfway done with the story! :o wow haha B) I watched Divergent & omg I love it! Someone please obsess over this with me.

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