Chapter 15 | The Nightmare

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Dedication to: @MelanieWaters :) Thanks for that super sweet comment! :) You made my day! And thank you to all other commenters for those wonderful comments! x Enjoy!

Chapter 15 | The Nightmare

I couldn't move. I was stuck in what seemed like an old cottage. I was hidden in the corner, behind a grand piano. I held onto the piano with my life. I didn't understand why, though. I felt scared and I wanted to run, to leave, but my legs wouldn't respond to my command. I heard a door creak open, then close with a slam. My heart raced. I heard the person come closer, the breathing low and fast. I hugged myself, whimpering quietly. I heard them put a hand on the piano, and, as silent as it was, loudly play a key. The person began playing more keys, and it seemed to get louder and louder. I could suddenly move my legs again, and before I knew it, my shaky legs crawled me further and further around the grand piano, until I was on the side of the piano, one more step away from seeing who it was. Without thinking much, I poked my head out to see who it was, and felt my heart stop when I saw no one there. I didn't hear anymore music and I felt a tap on the shoulder. I turned to see dark blue eyes and a mischievous grin before it killed me.

"Perrie? Perrie!" Were the first words I heard when I woke up. I was poked on my side several times, but I didn't scream or laugh like I normally would. I shuddered instead, hugging myself tighter. That's when I realized how big I was. I opened one eye, and then another to see I was laying on top of Zayn, who was looking at me worriedly. I was holding onto him. I would've been embarrassed and gotten off of him in a split second, but I was still shaken by the dream, and my thoughts were jumbled up.

I clutched his shirt, and noticed the tear that escaped my left eye. I let out a shaky sob, and tried to calm myself down. I wiped the eyes with the back of my hand, not bothered enough to go check how I look in the mirror. Zayn was still looking at me with a worried expression. He seemed to be completely awake. He was going to say something, but just as he opened his mouth another small sob left my mouth. He wrapped his arms around me before sitting us both up right. I tried to remember why we were sleeping on the couch together but no memories came to my mind. The stupid black figure with dark eyes still held all my attention.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped in Zayn's arms, scared it was the monster from my dreams. When I mustered courage to look up, instead of seeing those tormenting dark blue eyes I had dreamed about, all I saw were light brown eyes full of worry looking back at me. Jade took her hand off, and gave me a few tissues, which I gratefully took. "Thanks." I thanked her, my voice small and broken. She nodded, and gave me a small smile before going to the kitchen were the other's most likely were. I looked at the time on the giant clock above the television, and it read 11:23 a.m. I almost started to worry about sleeping for so long, when I realized I didn't care.

Zayn had stopped rubbing his thumb on my soothingly, so I looked over at him questioningly. He was turned towards Harry, who was talking. I couldn't apprehend what he was saying, but Zayn nodded and got up. I felt cold and afraid without him. Unthinkingly I reached out for Harry. He caught my hand and sat down in Zayn's place, then held onto me. I grasped his shirt, and made sure to make it clear I didn't want him to leave. He patted me softly before rubbing my back a little. I molded into him, perfectly comfortable.

I liked the silence, though it reminded me too much of my nightmare. I don't get why I had the awful nightmare, it's done but I can't get over it. I felt trapped between awful childhood nightmares and the nightmare I just had. My inner self laughed at me tauntingly. Why are you crying? It was just a nightmare, get over it. I felt like a fool, crying over some bad dream, but the thing is, I recognized those eyes. Those evil, cruel eyes belonged to him. I had already had this nightmare before, but it was different. I couldn't move my legs in the dreams, yes, but instead of a cottage I was always inside my old bedroom. I would be trapped in a corner, shaking. It always ended the same; I'd suddenly be able to move my legs and when I did, I'd have a horrible encounter with him.

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