Chapter 5 part 1

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Hermione's Pov: 

After Breakfast in the Great hall, Me and Draco left to attend our first lesson - DADA (Defense against the Dark Arts) when we arrived into the classroom, i was about to go and sit down near the front with my friends, when suddenly i was pulled back and forced to sit down at the back next to Draco. I glared at him "Seriously Malfoy, what that really necessary?" He just looked at me and didn't say anything but shrug his shoulders then faced the front of the classroom waiting for the lesson to start. Just as i was about the reply, Professor Snape waltzed in with his robe billowing behind him... Great now i am mad ugh i hate Malfoy, this is going to be one tedious week....

As the lesson dragged on and Snape droned on about what ever he was talking about, i looked over to Malfoy and saw he wasn't paying attention and looked bored, i just shook my head and rolled my eyes and carried on scribbling down my notes until lesson finished. Once the lesson was over, i quickly gathered my belongings and scurried out off the classroom faster than you could say quidditch, off to my next lesson , wanting to get away from Malfoy as quick as possible, lucky for me, we had different lessons next, i had Muggle studies whilst he had Divination... Phew thank merlin, i can't stand having the sit next to Malfoy in another lesson... he is so annoying, not answering my question about what happened in the last lesson... ugggghhhh he is such a jerk, i could ring his neck but that is not very lady-like, ugggh he makes me so mad.... calm down Hermione don't let the ferret get to you, Breathe in and out, in and out ... sigh calm at last, for now any way. 

Hope you like this chapter ... i will try and update quicker next time sorry you had to wait so long for this chapter i was just having some trouble with inspirations but i got my mojo back so fingers crossed that it continues ... thanks for reading xxxx

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