Chapter 6

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Third person's POV - The Next Morning, Hermione woke up early like she usually does and got ready for another long day of classes, studying and trying to avoid Draco Malfoy at all costs, easier said than done. Once she was ready, she headed down to the Great Hall for her favourite meal of the day: Breakfast. Once she got to the Great Hall, she went over and sat down at the Gryffindor table and got herself some bran flakes with milk and sugar, a bowl of strawberries,cherries, grape and a mixture of green and red apples all chopped up with topped with a good helping of Apricot yogurt and a cup of orange juice as she was allergic to Pumpkin juice.

Once she finished her breakfast, she got up and as she was walking out the Hall, her friends turned up and she waved goodbye to them and said she would see them in class. She continued walking back to her room to freshen up and grab her wand, books and various bits and bobs she would need for her classes. First up was Charms - easy peesy lemon squeezy, then divination and then her favourite lesson: muggle studies.

So off she went to her first class of the day ... thank Merlin all of her lessons before lunch weren't with Slytherin, otherwise she would go mad, today just might be a good day, she thought as she entered her class and sat down ready to take notes.

*Time Skip* Hermione just had Divination and was on her way to Muggle studies, she loved this lesson as there was no Malfoy to piss her off, No Ron or Harry to ask her for her notes and most of all she loved learning more about her own kind, it always made her feel proud to be a muggle-born witch.

Once her last lesson of the morning was over, it was lunchtime so she started heading towards the Hall, just as she was about to go inside the Great Hall, she was pulled into a dark empty classroom. Scared for her life, she tried to scream but her attacker had his hand over her mouth to silence her, she tried to wriggle free but his grip was far too strong. "Be quiet and stop moving Hermione, i'm not going to hurt you." the familiar smooth deep voice said and let her go. Hermione turned round to face him "What the hell Malfoy? why did you drag me into an empty classroom for?" Hermione demanded angrily. "I wanted to talk to you without you storming off ... look i just wanted you to know that i have really changed, i am not the same person i was 7 years ago, every time i called you Mud... that word, it never affected me the way it does now. Every time i say it now, it kills me inside, please you have to believe me." Draco replied with sincerity. "Sorry, but i don't believe you Malfoy, if you want me to believe you then show me that you've changed for the better, as they say from my world 'actions speak louder than words' bye Malfoy."And Hermione walks out of the classroom to get something to eat, leaving Draco puzzled and wracking his brain as to how he can show Hermione that he has changed for the better but he couldn't think of anything so he headed out the Great Hall for some food and to find someone who could help him and he knew just the person for the task, his best mate Blaise Zambini.

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