chapter 4

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Few minutes later on the way to class...

As Ginny leaves the common room, I take a deep breath and smooth out my robe… this is the most stressing situation I've even found myself in... As I start down the hall with my books hugged to my chest, I can't help but think the sorting hat chose wrong... Gryffindors' were not known for cowardice...they stood for bravery and everything that I was not at the present moment.

"Come on let's go, Hermione. Everything is going to be alright, stop worrying." Ginny persuaded. For a moment I believed her, I believed that I was all wrong, that I was just overreacting about everything. That was before Draco Malfoy appeared beside me from the crowd of students coming from their first lessons.

"What's your issue mudblood? Do you think I want to lose a dare because of you?" he asked, coolly. Greedily he grabs my hand. My hopes of seeing the Draco from last night died. It had been a show, Every gesture he'd made had been part of winning this dare.... How could I have thought any of those things could have been genuine, how could I actually believe that he genuinely like me, that they could've actually meant something to him, that I could actually mean something to him. Even if it only meant he saw me as a real witch and not just a muggleborn witch, a mudblood.

I struggle to find words, but when I eventually do find something it is pathetic. "I'm sorry." My voice comes out barely audible, but that doesn't mean it isn't heard. He looks at me in pure disgust. As much as I'd like to cry, I refrained. If I fall to cowardice at least I can retain a small part of my dignity by not making a fool of myself in the middle of the Great Hall.

Draco leads me to the Slytherin table and I avoid looking at the Gryffindor where my best friends are sure to see me now. What will they think of me? Draco Malfoy is nothing but horrid to all of them and here I am, holding his hand and sitting beside him at the Slytherin table. Words cannot describe how this makes me feel. The only word that invades my mind is it disloyalty to my house that I'm experiencing?

I successfully avoid the burning stares I feel burning through me from across the room for most of the meal, but when I take a small glance to see I they are looking my way I instantly regret ever doing it. My eyes meet Ron's his eyes display the hurt and confusion I know I'm causing. I can't help but look at his companion. Harry is looking at me as well. He looks at me as if I've grown an extra head. My eyes find Ron again. His eyes ask the question: "what is happening to you?" I just knew I was going to lose my friends over this… ugh why did I agree to this? I bet Lavender and her ‘pose’ is loving this right now… I know I must tell them. I get a feeling I won't be forgiven for this anytime soon

Hope you like it .... there is more drama and betrayal, hurt and heartbreak and Love to come so stay tuned xxxx

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