Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV

I wasn't always like this. I wasn't always confused by the flowing of all these emotions, before I thought maybe I had mood swings or something of the sort. I used to be Hermione Jean Granger the muggleborn witch, that was friends with the famous boy who lived, Harry Potter and over-eating pig Ronald Weasley, I thought I loved Ron, but then he left me for Lavender Brown, the Gryffindor 'slut' but the truth was that I had a secret, I had a secret that was even secret to me.

I was in love with someone else, someone who hated for 7 years, he hated me just because I was a plain old mudblood to him... That was all before though, before Trial Week, the week that I would remember for the rest of my life. What was Trial Week... you ask? Trial Week was just a simple dare at first, who would have ever thought that two people who hated each other as much as we did,  could grow feelings towards each other? I never expected it and I know for a fact that he didn't either...

It all started in the Gryffindor girls dorm room ... 


"Hey Granger, what are you doing later on tonight?" asked Lavender Brown. She and I have never gotten along not since she and Ronald were together. She claimed that I was trying to steal Ronald from her. I was never doing anything of the sort. Ronald was just a friend just as much as Harry.

I try to look pleased to see her when I respond. "I was going to work on my assignment for Potions. I know it's early, but I have nothing better to do." "Of course you don't Granger. Anyway, would you like to sneak out to the Room of Requirement with a few other Gryffindors?" she asked. I felt my temper rising slightly. "You don't have to go if you're afraid, Granger." She added with a smirk, god hate this girl.

I stood up straight, "I'm not afraid! I just don't want to get expelled!"Lavender scoffed, "Whatever you're just scared." With a slight flip of her house robes, she disappeared down the hall heading to the Great Hall for breakfast. I generally wasn't a violent person, but that girl just drove me off the edge, someday I'd knock her off her high horse. I smiled at the thought of putting Lavender in her place.

I strode into the Great Hall still fuming and sat down next to Harry and Ronald. "The nerve of that girl!" I say before I can stop myself. I heard Ronald sigh. "Lavender again?" Harry asked. This wasn't the first time I'd come in the Great Hall like this. It was often that she would irritate me.

"Yes! She called me scared because I refused to risk being expelled!" I said.  "Ugh, what is that girl planning now?" Ron groaned.

"Go ask her yourself. Try to refrain from snogging this time though. It's disgusting." I say in disgust at the thought. He glanced at me and got up and went down to Lavender's group.I turned when I heard laughter. "Had a fight with your boyfriend Weasel, have you?" he said his usual sneer.

"Well, well if it isn't Draco Malfoy. What a pleasant surprise!" I say with as much sarcasm as I can muster, you see Draco and I never got along, he is a pureblood, all high and mighty, whereas I was a mudblood, bottom of the 'food chain'. "Don't you mean unpleasant?" Harry muttered, I stiffled a giggle at Harry's comment. 

"Say something there, Potter?" he asked. "What do you want, Malfoy?" I said rolling my eyes at his ever annoying presence. "Like I'd want anything from you Mudblood." He said bitterly. "Then go away." I say through my gritted teeth. "I don't take orders from trash." He said sharply.

But before I could reply, Harry jumped up with his wand drawn. "Go away, Malfoy." He said. Before Malfoy could respond he was hit in the face with a hex. I tried to contain my laughter at the thought of Malfoy's face... it was priceless, I didn't see who had done it until I turned around. "Neville Longbottom!" yelled Professor McGonagall from the teachers table. "My father will hear about this!" yelled Malfoy as he ran from the Hall covering his face, once he had left, I burst into fits of laughter at the look on Malfoy's face.

"Does his father have to hear everything? I feel sorry for the git." said Seamus causing me to laugh even harder.

*End of Flashback*

This day was Sunday, this day also marked the day of the dare I'll never forget. As I sat in the library working on my assignments I thought about what Lavender had said. Maybe I was scared... I contemplated between that and the fact that my decision was the only sensible one. Finally I decided to go. If they got caught I at least could be there to laugh and rub it in their faces.


All credit for the first 4 chapters go to TheWalkingTribute 

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