chapter 3

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The next morning….

I linger in the Girls' Dormitory, I don't really know what the day will throw at me today, but one thing I do know for sure is today’s the first day of Lavender's dare. I will have to be with Draco Malfoy and be his girlfriend for a whole week.  I haven't stopped thinking about last night at all, I stayed up for hours still feeling the kiss on my lips and his hand on my face. Even when I did sleep he was there, drawing more kisses from my lips. Ugh I really hate lavender for daring me to do this…. Someone just kill me now…. What would Harry and Ron say … Ron, ugh no Hermione you don’t love him. I really hope I don’t lose my friends because of this stupid dare.

I got out of bed and walked into the girls’ bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. "Who are you?" I ask the reflection, even if I look and feel silly when I talk to myself I continue. "You aren't the Hermione Granger you thought you were, Hermione would never get herself in this sort of situation." I sighed and slid down against the wall, closing my eyes and taking in the sounds around me. The steady drip of a faucet, the rush of water as someone flushes a toilet somewhere, and finally the light tap of footsteps coming towards me.

I open my eyes to find Ginny, she is looking down at me. Emotions cross her features: pity, eagerness, and I think I even notice a hint of jealousy.  "Come on, Hermione. You can't stay in here all day." She says stretching a hand out to me. "You already missed your first class, did you know?, this isn’t like you… come on.” She smiled at and held out her hand and helped me get up off the floor, I smiled back at her. “You have to face him and them at some point.” She said, trying to reassure me. She dragged me back into the dorm room and picked out my outfit for the day and told me to get dressed, while she gathered my things for our next class.

Any other  day, I would be scrambling to get my things and rushing to class to get the assignments, But not today, I really didn't want to go to class because I had a feeling that they will be there snickering at me as I had to keep my end of the deal, more importantly he will be there. I shook the thought out of my head, I'll finally have to face him after last night  but to be honest, I don't think I can. Truthfully, I think I'm afraid to face him.

"I can't, Ginny. I sat down on my bed and put my face in my hands, almost as if to give up to my defeat. "I can't face him, Lavender was right, maybe I'm a coward."

"You're not a coward, Hermione, you're just....nervous that’s all, It's okay to be like that, a lot has happened to you over past 7 years." She says gently. I sighed and started to think about what she was saying. "You're right." I pull my hands away from my face and stood up with confidence. "Let's get this over with.” I said with some new found courage. “Now there’s the Hermione, I know and love, now finish getting ready and go and get you something to eat before our next class ok, and you better be ready by the time I get back.” I chuckled as she walked away… you got to love her fierceness, that’s why she’s my BFF.

I continued to get ready and applied minimal make-up to make me look more natural unlike some people I know, I then moved on sorting my bird’s nest of a hair, god I hate my hair… you see I inherited it from my mother… I miss my parents. In the end, I gave up sorting my hair manually and picked up my wand and performed the sleek hair spell and within seconds my hair was soft, straight and smooth. I looked in the mirror, perfect I actually look pretty for once.

“I’m back, here some toast for you Mione. OMG wow, I love your hair, did you use the sleek hair spell I taught you?” she said amazed at the look of my hair. “Yes Ginny, I did thanks for teaching me it, and thanks for the toast.” I replied, smiling whilst taking a bite out of the toast she brought me.

Once I’d finished my toast and cleaned my teeth, we headed off to our next class … which was Potions with Professor Slughorn …. This is going to be a fun class, thank merlin Lavender isn’t taking this class this year.  

 Hope you like it .... 

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