Chapter 9 part 1

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May contain sexual content #

Hermione's POV - "So what are we exactly in terms of relationship or friendship?" I ask the gorgeous specimen lying next to me. "Well whatever you want us to be, i would love for you to be my girlfriend but only if you want to." He replied (awww who knew Draco had a soft side). I was quiet for a bit then replied "I would love to be your girlfriend Draco." I answered then kissed him passionately and straddled him so i was sitting on top of his lap, facing him. 

I took him by surprise in doing that but what can i say, i'm full of surprises

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I took him by surprise in doing that but what can i say, i'm full of surprises. He looked at me in shock but also love in his eyes, "You look amazingly hot on top of me, i'm actually kind of turned on right now." He said deeply then winked at me which sparks the 'animal' in me to come alive, then i start grinding against him which i could feel him get turned on even more and i smirked at him with a smirk that rival his own. "You saucy minx." He said trying to control himself against my teasing, i giggled and whispered in his ear, "Don't fight it, Lose control, let me help you unleash your inner desires my love." And i continued to grind on him and increased the pace, making him struggle at keeping his cool. 

As I kept grinding on him, he slowly and surely started to lose control and stop resisting my charms and began to growl huskily which turned me on slightly. I then altered the pace, going from fast and pleasurable to slow and sensual with each grind making both of us moan at the sensation of our bodies against one another. I closed my eyes as i felt his mouth suckle and lick my boobs and i moaned louder and louder, "Oh Draco i want you so bad right now." I said breathlessly as i kept grinding on him. 

He growled lowly when i said his name and i felt him smile against my breasts, he then surprised me and held my hips and got up off the bed and placed my feet on the ground and took off my skirt and pulled me closer to him and crashed his lips on mine and grabbed my arse making me wrap my legs around his waist and he took us into the bathroom, set me down on the side of the sink cabinet without breaking the kiss and my legs still wrapped around his waist. I pulled away and look at him with a new found desire in my eyes, then kiss him hungrily, begging for more and he responded whilst pushing his big, hard, long cock inside of me, making me whimper but push through it until i adjusted to him. 

Eventually, i adjusted and began to feel pleasure as his dick went in and out of me and i begged for more, so he increased his pace making me moan and grip onto his back with my hands and run my finger nails down his back making long scratches as he went faster, harder and deeper with every thrush, hitting my g spot each time making me moan louder and louder each time. "Scream for me angel, let me hear you scream my name in pleasure." He said so i did what he asked. "AHHHHH DRACO, YES, YES, YES, AHHHHH YES, DRACO, OOHHHHHHH, GIVE ME MORE, AHHHH YES, DRACO, YES, DRACO, DRACO, DRACO, AHHHHHHHHHHH." I screamed from the top of my lungs as he increased his pace with every thrust. "CLIMAX WITH ME DRACO, I'M ALMOST THERE, AHHHHHHH, MORE, MORE, MORE, DRACO, I'M CUMMING." I screamed again, climaxing and releasing my pleasure over his cock and i felt his warm, sticky seed fill inside of me as he climaxed and releasing himself too and he pulled out and we collapsed into one another, breathing heavily from that 'workout'. "That was extra-ordinary, you felt amazing inside of me." i said trying to catch my breath and he just looked at me and nodded not trusting his voice. 

stay tuned for more... 

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