Chapter 5 part 3

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Hermione's POV: *time skip -After lunch* After lunch, i had a free period so i decided to go outside and sit by the black lake to clear my thoughts and sort out my emotions... Merlin, what is wrong with me, am i actually falling for dra... I mean malfoy, with his perfect hair, sharp grey eyes, and dazzling white smile and well toned body, he is handsome and sexy wait what am i doing, did i just call malfoy sexy, no hermione no he's malfoy, the person who called me horrible names for last 7 years, i won't fall for him, i won't, oh who am i kidding... I have fallen for draco malfoy.

The warning bell went off to signal the end of the period, so i got up and headed back inside and got ready for my next 2 lessons - transfigurations and potions both with slytherin... Great,there is no way of escaping malfoy in these lessons. I shook my head and took deep breaths and heading inside transfiguration class with headmistress McGonnagal, hopefully this lesson shouldn't be too bad considering i am her favourite student.

*time skip - both lessons have finished and its almost dinner time* After my lessons had finished for the day, i headed back to my room and put my book and other school things on my bed then headed out to the great hall for dinner, as i was heading down for dinner, a particular blonde haired ferret got in my way. " what do you want malfoy?" i said with my voice dripping with annoyance. "nothing just wanted to talk about what happened earlier and explain." he replied. "explain what malfoy, how one minute you show me the kind and caring, true gentleman that i know deep down you are and the next you are back to that horrible bully you used to be, tell me how can you explain your ever changing attitude and mood swings towards me, because frankly i can't get my head around it and i don't think I can take anymore of it." i ranted and left draco speechless for the second time today.

*Time skip- After dinner, near curfew*

After dinner, i went back to my room and sat in front of the fire in the gryffindor common room and trying to figure out my feelings, so much so that it was giving me a headache, i needed to clear my thoughts and i knew just the thing to do that, so i ran up to my room, opened my school trunk and got out my art set, and went out to the astronomy tower.

When i got to the tower, i sat down on the ledge and began to draw the scenery and the sunset, then colouring it to make it pop. As i was creating my new artwork, i felt at peace and calm when i am stressed, i lose myself when I am drawing like there's nothing else in the world but me and my art, it helps me clear my thoughts, relax and forget everything around me.

Once I had finished, i packed up my things and headed back to my room and slept hoping that tomorrow would be a better and less stressful day.

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