Chapter 12

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The next day, exams back up and running, everyone was rushing round doing last minute cramming and filling up on food to give them energy.

Next exam was charms and everyone was waiting outside the exam room, ready to ace them and get it over with. 2 hours later and the exam was over, next up was the final exam for all 8th years - transfigurations.

1 1/2 hours later, the final exam was over, they could all relax and chill out. As they were all got back to  their dorms, a message came over the tannoy " will all 8th years please come to the great hall, that's all 8th years to come to the great hall." so they turned around and headed towards the great hall. Once they arrived, they are sat down at their house tables apart from the head boy and girl.

"Now i know you all wondering why i called you all here. In celebration of your success in completing your exams, i am allowing you to throw a party in here and the courtyard to blow off some steam and relax." Headmistress Mcgonnagal said and all the students cheered and began talking amongst one another.

stay tuned for more Dramione trial week

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