Chapter 9 Part 2

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May contain sexual content and i also do not own these images or videos or characters within my story. 

Hermione's POV continued - I looked down at Draco, who was laying down on the bathroom floor and smiled. "Worn out are we?" i said giggling. He just nodded which made me laugh even more. I jumped down off the sink cabinet and lowered myself on top of Draco, i kissed his lips and then left a trail of little kisses down his body until i reached his penis. I grabbed it and slowly licked the head, making him clench in pleasure, then i put it my mouth and began sucking and lightly grazing my teeth on it which made him growl louder, i smiled knowing he was enjoying what i was doing. To give him more pleasure, i altered my pace and techniques by slowing down then speeding up again and sucking on his dick to grazing my teeth to deep throating him until he exploded his deliciously salty seed in my mouth which i swallowed and licked my lips to taste more. 

I was taken by surprise, when Draco turned me round to face away from him and bent me over so that i was on my hands and knees. I felt his hands on my arse and then felt his tongue lick my entrance and i bit my bottom lip to suppress a moan but struggled as he continued what he was doing and so i gave up in resisting and let it out, i felt his tongue go even further inside my dripping wet vagina and began sucking on my clit, making me moan louder.

 I felt his hands on my arse and then felt his tongue lick my entrance and i bit my bottom lip to suppress a moan but struggled as he continued what he was doing and so i gave up in resisting and let it out, i felt his tongue go even further insid...

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So i grab his dick and began sucking him off again whilst he licked me out, both us changing the pressure and pace. As we continued, we got faster and faster until we climaxed at the same time and both caught our breaths before we spoke. "You... have a ... magical mouth Drake." I said breathing heavily. "Why thank you angel, you... have a ... magical mouth too, by the way you taste terrific." He replied as he sat up, making me blush when he called me angel. "Thank you Drake, i love you." i replied leaning against his chest. "I love you too Mione." He said wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek. "Come on, we better clean ourselves up then get ready for breakfast." He said tapping his fingers on my hips, so i took the hint and got up off him and leaned against the sink cabinet as he ran my bath for me, then he jumped in the shower, freshened up then left me to get ready. 

As i lay in the bath and cleaned myself, i thought about what has happened over this past week and smiled. Once i finished freshening up, i walked back into Draco's room to find a beautiful, short strapless, emerald green sundress with a sweetheart neckline, see through lace and beaded corset bodice, and lace appliques all over the dress, lace belt at the waist and matching heels ... Draco is so sweet, he must off picked this over for me, he is truly amazing. I got dressed and sorted my hair and wore minimal make up to give me a more natural look, then went out to the common room to find my amazing boyfriend ... hehe boyfriend, sitting on the sofa in his usual attire, black suit jacket with a black shirt and skinny black tie with a Slytherin green snake on the knot and black trousers with black shoes, he looked hot. i cleared my throat to get his attention to which he turned around and his jaw dropped. "You look absolutely breath-taking Angel, i was right green definitely suits you, if we didn't have to go to breakfast, i would f*ck you right now." He said whispering the last part in my ear which made me blush and giggle, he pulled me closer to him and softly placed a chaste kiss on my lips. 

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Images of Hermione's outfit above

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Images of Hermione's outfit above. 

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