Chapter 7 Part 2

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As Hermione got the the Gryffindor house area, she ran into the common room and ran over to Ginny and Luna, who were sitting in the room and said "Help me, i need some advice." and then she told the girls what she overheard. Meanwhile back in the head's dormitory with Draco and Blaise, they still talking about Draco's problem. "ok, be nice to her, i can do that." Draco said to himself. "Ok well my work here is done, good luck Dray, let me know what happens, cool see you later, got to go and a find that fiery red-head weaselette to do some project later mate." Blaise said as he left Draco's room. Blaise left the head's dormitory room and went to find Ginny Weasley to do their project for class.

*back with the girls*
"Are you sure that is what he said mione? Ginny asked. "Yes i'm sure, now what do i do? Do it play it cool like i didn't hear anything? Or do i confront him about it? Or what?" Hermione said worryingly. "Why are you stressing about it? It's not like you like him back right?" Ginny replied. Hermione remained silent avoiding eye contact with her best friend then answered "Well..." Ginny's face turned to shock and so did Luna's. "OMG YOU DO LIKE HIM, YOU LIKE MALFOY, DON'T YOU?"screamed Ginny and Luna. "Ok yes i do, there i admit it but i didn't think he like me in the same way, what am i going to do? because I don't want things to be awkward between us." Hermione replied putting her head in her folded arms on the couch.

As this conversation unfolded, a certain black haired slytherin who's friends with the person in question could hear everything that was being said from outside the gryffindor common room door.

"Well i think you should tell him how you feel and see what he says." Luna suggested. Ginny and Hermione looked at her in shock. "What..." Luna asked. "you just said something that actually made sense." Ginny and Hermione said in unison. "What, i do make sense sometimes you know." she replied. The girls all looked at on another then burst out laughing.

Once the girls calmed down, they went to leave the common room as they stepped out of the portrait door, Hermione stopped when she saw Blaise leaning against a wall near the gryffindor common room. "please tell me how long you have been standing there and how much you heard." Hermione demanded. "oh not long pretty much just got here and i didn't hear much either only the part when you admitted you like my best friend and don't know what to do and don't want things to be awkward between you two." Blaise said relaying everything the girls had said with a smirk on his face.

Hermione turned a pale white like a sheet. "so pretty much everything, great, what is going to take for you to keep your mouth shut?" Ginny said angrily. "Nothing, don't worry i will keep your secret." He replied. The girls looked at him perplexed by his reply. "oook, anyway Ginny are you ready to start this project of ours?" He asked. "Ermm sure, let me just go and get my stuff then i will be right with you." Ginny replied. "Cool no rush i'll wait." he answered.

Once Ginny had collected her things, she headed back out of the portrait entrance and met the girls and Blaise. "Ready let's go." Ginny said to him and they walked away to the library, as they walked away, Hermione and Luna said goodbye to her and each other and parted ways, Luna heading outside to find some nargles and Hermione heading to the head's dorm.

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