Chapter 16 - Wedding planning

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The next day arrived, Draco woke up slowly and gazed down at his wife to-to-be sleeping peacefully against his chest and smiled, carefully moved her off of him, got up quietly, freshened up and dressed then headed downstairs to his lovely fiancée her favourite breakfast - 2 plates of a full English breakfast without mushrooms, some toast with butter and homemade marmalade from Marseille in the south of France and also 2 stacks of homemade pancakes topped with Canadian maple syrup, paired with a cup of steaming hot tea with milk and sugar and a cup of black coffee and also a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and put it altogether on a tray and headed back upstairs, he opens the door and sees that his sleeping beauty still sleeping the morning away, he carefully places the tray down on the bedside table and walks over to the bed.

"Hermione, sweetie time to wake up." He said gently shaking her awake, she stirs awake and smiles. "morning beautiful, sleep well." he asked. Hermione stretched and sat up. "Morning, i slept well thanks." She replies whilst smiling. "Mmm something smells amazing, did you make me breakfast, awww you are so sweet." She continued as she took the tray from the bedside table and moved over to make room for Draco to sit down. "Well i thought i would do something wonderful for my beautiful wife-to-be considering you had a bad day yesterday." He answered whilst sitting next to her and taking his coffee and food and kissed the side of her head. "Well aren't you full of surprises, thank you for this, it looks amazingly delicious so let's tuck in before it gets cold." Hermione said tucking in to her breakfast. "Umm... i love pancakes with Canadian maple syrup, yum." She continued taking a bit of her pancakes caked in syrup and just smiled at her fiancé, he just chuckled and drank his coffee.

Once breakfast was finished, Hermione got ready and freshened up then they walked downstairs hand and hand, towards the main study room to gear up for a long day of planning "Good Morning you too, did you sleep well? sit down and get ready for a long day of planning so let's get started." Narcissa said greeting them and tapping the desk to the two spaces next to her.

"yes thank you Narcissa, i am definitely ready for a long day of planning as i had a lovely full breakfast made by my wonderful husband-to-be, so let's get going." Hermione replied pointing towards Draco. "So where do we start?" She continued taking a seat and looking at the piles of pictures, leaflets and amounts of paper spread the across the desk. "Well, i think we should start off with making a list of things that need to be done and then work our way done the list and tick them off as we go and so on." Narcissa answered whilst getting her pen and pad ready.

"Well there's the budget to talk about then pick the venue, then pick the wedding party, the guest list, the wedding decor, the flowers, the caterers, the photographer, the videographer, the invites, the entertainment and then the dresses and suits for the wedding party and then my dress and Draco's suits, then the engagement party and then the wedding and then the honeymoon." Hermione said listing off the things that needed to be done whilst Narcissa wrote them down.

"Ok, well first things first, the budget - now there is no budget so you can have whatever you like, i want you to have the best wedding ever, no arguments i want to do this for my new daughter in law so end of discussion." Narcissa said. "right moving on, the venue." Narcissa continued. "Well i was thinking that maybe we could use the manor's gardens for the ceremony and get married under the wooden gazebo by the pink blossom trees and then the manor's ball room for the reception." Hermione answered.

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"Ok, i think that is a great idea, so now moving on to the wedding party, Hermione who will be in your bridal party?" Narcissa asked waiting to write it down in her notepad

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"Ok, i think that is a great idea, so now moving on to the wedding party, Hermione who will be in your bridal party?" Narcissa asked waiting to write it down in her notepad. "So i will want Ginny as my maid of honour and Luna and Fleur Delacour as my bridesmaids and i was wondering if you would walk me down the aisle Narcissa, you have been so nice and helpful to me with the thing with my parents so will you?" Hermione asked. Narcissa looked shocked and teary eyed, "Oh i would be honoured to walk you down the aisle." Narcissa replied and hugged Hermione. "And Draco, what about your wedding party?" Narcissa continued. "Well i would have Blaise as my best man and Theo and Harry as my groomsmen." He answered.

"Right next the agenda is the guest list so all of Hermione's friends, Draco's Friends, me, The Weasley's, a few Hogwarts teachers and some ministry officials. Moving on to the decorations, so what would like for your decor?" Narcissa said writing down names for the guest list for the invites. "I was thinking about incorporating the colours red, light blue, purple and white mixed with Green and Silvery Grey for the flower centre pieces for the tables, then same for the decor outside in the ceremony part too." Draco said looking at Hermione, she looked at him in awe. "You would incorporate my mum's favourite colours with yours into our wedding, aww you are so cute." Hermione said with tears in her eyes. "Of course, that way you have a bit of your parents with you." He replied wiping her tears away and hugging her.

"Ok i think we should stop there for now and get some lunch." Narcissa said getting up and heading to the kitchen and prepping lunch for the three of them. *TIME SKIPS, AFTER LUNCH* Once they had eaten, they got back to planning the rest of what was on the list - they booked the florists appointment, the photographer/videographer appointment, the entertainment, the caterers appointment and chose a design for the invites and had got the invite making process started, ready for them to pick up in the next few days, all that was left was suits and dresses shopping, organize the engagement party and then have the wedding and honeymoon.

stay tuned for part 2

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