chapter 12 part 2 - The party of the century

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Tonight's the night, the 8th years' graduation party, the party of the century. Every 8th year student was getting ready, dressing up, make up and hair and nails being done (well for the girls). For the boys, they were putting on their suits, ties, cufflinks and styling their hair that would make them look cool and putting on aftershave, ready to make all the girls swoon after them. (hermione's and ginny's dresses and harry and draco's suits below)

 (hermione's and ginny's dresses and harry and draco's suits below)

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Draco's suit

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Draco's suit

Harry's suit

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Harry's suit

*Gryffindor common room*"hey gin, can you help me with my hair, make up and nails please?" hermione asked

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*Gryffindor common room*
"hey gin, can you help me with my hair, make up and nails please?" hermione asked. "sure, no problem what were you thinking of doing?" Ginny replied. " erm ... i was thinking maybe a small partial braid/ half up half down style and some light make up." Hermione suggested. "that sounds good to me, lets get started shall we then?" Ginny said excitedly, hermione just giggled at her friend and nodded as ginny began styling her friend's hair and face. 

Hermione's hair style

a few minutes later and ginny was finished

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a few minutes later and ginny was finished. "done, wow you look amazing, i am good at this, i should turn it into a career, take a look." ginny said spinning hermione around to the mirror. " wow i look stunning, you are a miracle worker thank you." hermione replied hugging her friend. "you're welcome, malfoy is going to struggle in keeping his hands off of you tonight haha." ginny replied whilst getting a friendly slap from her friend. "ginny!" hermione said shocked and lightly slapped her friend.

Ginny's hairstyle

Once the girls were ready, they headed down to the great hall where their dates awaited them

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Once the girls were ready, they headed down to the great hall where their dates awaited them. As they reached the double staircase, they could see their dates at the bottom. Ginny went first and met her long term boyfriend harry potter. "you look amazingly beautiful as always." he said as he took ginny's hand and led her to the party inside. "thank you, you look very handsome as always too." she replied taking his hand and letting him lead her into the party.

next up was luna lovegood and she met theo nott jr, then came lavender brown who met ron weasley, then it was hannah abbott and she met neville longbottom, afterwards was katie bell whose date was seamus finnigan, then romilda vane and dean thomas, then the patil sisters and they met fred and george (yes fred is not dead in this story), next up was parkinson who met blaise zabini.

Finally the Gryffindor princess arrived, she gracefully made her way down the stairs and as she did, draco looked up and his eyes never left hers.
She looked like something out of a fairytale, a true princess. He held out his hand towards her and bowed "you look absolutely and radiantly beautiful my lady." he said taking her hand and kissing the top of it like a true gentlemen.

"why thank you kind sir and might i say you look dashingly handsome as well." Hermione said giggling. " why thank you my lady, shall we?" he replied holding out his arm for her to take so he could guide her into the hall. "we shall." she replied whilst looping her hands around his arms and they entered the hall like royal and they partied the night away.

stay tuned for more dramione trial week.

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