Chapter 16 -Wedding planning part 3

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The wedding was a few months away and was still a few things left to sort out before the big day arrives. In order to surprise His new bride, Draco enlisted the help of some her friends and his friends to work together to create the ultimate surprise engagement party of the century but everyone on board had to keep it a secret and be discreet when around Hermione as she is very hard to surprise and in order for Hermione not to get suspicious or figure anything out, Draco had to think of ways to keep her busy so she was distracted from trying to find out what he was up to. 

A few weeks later, Today was the day for the big surprise engagement that he had been planning for a long time but the day was finally here and he could kind of relax but only a little bit as he was so nervous. He had everything planned out, first he would send Hermione, His mother and few of her friends of a little scavenger hunt that he created that would send her to get her hair, nails, make-up and have a little spa day then send her to a little dress boutique to pick up her dress, accessories and shoes for the evening and then head to her parents' house which is now hers to get ready where a designated car will pick her, his mother and friends up and take them to the manor where the party is, he just hoped and prayed that it all goes off without a hitch. 

Whilst Hermione, his mother and Hermione's friends were on the scavenger hunt enjoying themselves, Draco and a few of Hermione's other friends as well as his, were busy decorating the manor ready for the party later this evening, he was rushing around trying to get everything done, he wanted it to be perfect for when his bride to be came back to the manor. Once the decorations were all done and food was set out and everything was in place, Draco went upstairs and change into his evening wear for the party. 

As the time drew closer, he started to get a little more nervous but he breathed in and out and started to relax a little bit, then he heard his mother, his bride and her friends enter the manor

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As the time drew closer, he started to get a little more nervous but he breathed in and out and started to relax a little bit, then he heard his mother, his bride and her friends enter the manor. "Everyone, get into your places, she is here." He whispered dimming the lights and hid just as the girls and Narcissa were entering the ballroom.

"Why is it so dark in here." Hermione said she  entered the room, the lights went up and everyone jumped out for the hiding places and yelled 'SURPRISE' and she covered her mouth as she saw all her friends and secondary family here for her, Draco popped out from where he was hiding and went up to her. "Surprise my love." He said kissing her forehead and pulling her into a hug, she hugged him back then pulled back and they shared a little kiss. "So let's get this party started." Draco said and as soon as he said that the music began to play and everyone cheered and started dancing.

"So what do you think? did i get you good?" He asked his lovely wife to be whilst leading her over to their table and sitting down. "Yes you did, i can't believe you did this for me and i didn't suspect a thing, how is that possible?" She answered smiling at him. "I have my ways my love, i have my ways." he said smiling back at her then he stood up and held out his hand and bowed "Miss Granger, will you like to dance with me?" he continued. "Why yes Mr Malfoy, i will dance with you." She replied taking his hand and letting him lead her to the dance floor. 

And they danced until they were all danced out, guests started to head home and Draco and Hermione headed up to bed and same with Narcissa. "Draco, thank you for this evening, i enjoyed every minute of it." Hermione said getting ready for bed then gave him a goodnight kiss and fell asleep. "You're welcome my love, i'm glad you enjoyed it." He replied kissing her back then getting into bed and falling asleep himself and they cuddled up to each other and they stayed like that till the next morning. 

Hermione's dress 

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Hermione's dress 

hoped you liked the story so far, stay tuned for more. 

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