Chapter 5 part 2

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Hermione's POV: * Time skip -lunch time, after muggles studies and arthimacy* After my lessons, it was time for lunch, finally as i am so hungry. Just as i was walking out of class, i see the typical tall, slim pale blonde haired ferret leaning against the wall with a stupid and annoying smirk on his face, ugh i so wish i could wipe that smirk off his face right now. As i continue walking out of my class and walk down the corridor with my head down, hoping he wouldn't notice me, but luck isn't on my side and he spotted me and starts following me, i try to ignore him or acknowledge him. He jogs to catch up with me until he is walking beside me, "Granger, where do you think you are going?" he said sarcastically. "lunch in the great hall malfoy, why do you care?" i replied not even looking at him and continued down the corridor. "cool me too, i'll walk with you." i stopped abruptly and looked at him like he had grown an extra head, "ok who are you and what have you done with the muggle-hating ferret that i loathe?" he looked me straight in the eye and i swear there was a flicker of sad in his eyes but it was gone as soon as it appeared. "ouch that hurt hermione, i haven't done anything, just being myself." he said clutching his chest like i wounded him. "Then why are you acting strangely kind to me all of a sudden after you were so rude to me this morning?" i demanded. "Well..."  he said hesitantly. "Well what... Why now Draco, when you were nice to me yesterday, i thought you had changed but obviously I was wrong." i said whilst walking away, leaving him speechless and confused.

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