Chapter 14 - Leaving Hogwarts/meeting Draco's mother

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The next morning arrived and all thed eighth years were preparing to leave hogwarts for the last time. Hermione was up early as usual, she was down by lake reminscing on all her memories she had made here, very nostalgic. After a few minutes, she headed  inside and back up the head's dorm to finish packing up and getting ready to leave.

Back at the dorms, Hermione finished packing up her things and headed down to the shared common room and into the dorm's kitchen and made some breakfast for both herself and my fiancé ... *hermione's thoughts* fiancé ... she smiled at the thought of becoming Draco's wife. Whilst she was in her own little world, she felt a pair of arms circle around her waist and a head appear on her shoulder. "morning beautiful, what you smiling about?" Draco asked kissing her cheek. " Morning handsome, nothing just the thought of me becoming your wife". She replied and handed him his coffee and breakfast. Then prepared her own and sat down next to him.

"Thank you, ummm just the way like it, you surprise me sometimes". Draco said. Hermione turned and looked at him, "How so?". She replied taking a sip of her tea. "Well like how you know they way i like my coffee and how to cook the perfect breakfast". He replied whilst finishing his coffee and food. "It's not that hard, i just pay attention to the little details." She said finishing up her tea and food, then cleared up and went to freshen up.

Once breakfast was finished, they both grabbed their trunks, pets etc and headed down to the carriages to take them to the train. As they leave the Hogwarts entrance, they look back and say goodbye for the final time then headed on their way to the carriages.

A few minutes later, they arrived at Hogsmeade station platform, they got on the train and found a compartment together and looked out of the window and waved goodbye to all ths teachers and old friends as the train pulled away. They sat down, relaxed and fell asleep entangled together until they arrived at King's Cross station.

A few hours later, they arrived, as the train arrived at King's  Cross, Draco woke up and saw they were back in london and looked at Hermione's sleeping form and thought she looks so peaceful and a pure beauty. "Hermione sweetheart, we're here". Draco said softly shaking Hermione awake gently.As She slowly wakes up, straightens herself out, he grabs his and her trunks and pets , then takes her hand and they both head out onto the platform.

As they head towards the exit, they see Draco's mother Narcissa, "Draco my darling boy, welcome home.. ooh i've missed you". She said hugging him tightly. "Hi Mother, missed you too, there is someone i would like you to meet, mother this is my fiancée Hermione". He replied whilst hugging Hermione's side. "It's nice to meet you properly Mrs Malfoy". Hermione said greeting her. what happened next shocked both Draco and Hermione, "ooh please call me Narcissa, mrs malfoy makes me feel too old and plus that will be your name soon, nice to meet you too on better terms this time, i am so glad to have you as a daughter-in-law and thank you for giving my son a chance at happiness and i am also grateful that he has you in his life besides me of course." Narcissa replied whilst hugging Hermione.

Hermione giggled and relaxed a little more, "Shall we get going mother, don't want to keep William waiting". Draco prompted. "Yes, yes lets go." Narcissa replied getting into the car. " er who's William? Draco". Hermione asked getting into the car. "He's my mother's driver". Draco replied following Hermione into the car.

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