Chapter 7 part 3

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As Hermione walks into the Head's dorm, she sees the platinum blonde haired head boy sitting on the sofa looking at the fireplace, she sits down next to him. "Malfoy .... Malfoy .... Draco." she said gently to get his attention. When she said his first name, he snapped out of his trance, and faced the person who said his name. "Uhh, oh it's you Gra... Hermione, hi." he said then turned his head and continued to stare at the fire. "Hi, what you doing?" Hermione asked.

 "Just thinking and trying to clear my thoughts." He replied. "oh ok, what are you thinking about?" She asked. Draco was silent for a bit before turning his head and looked at Hermione. "You." he answered with sincerity in his voice and in his eyes. Hermione was speechless. She didn't know what to say, after a few minutes of silence, she replied "Me.... Why?" she looked at him waiting for an answer. "Because... i'm in love with you that's why, i can't get you out of my head and i don't think i want to but i know you hate me and don't feel the same." he confessed whilst he put his head into his hands. 

Hermione was shocked that he admitted to her that he was in love with her and couldn't stop thinking about her, she was smiling and squealing on the inside. "Really?  you love me and that's not true, i don't hate you, i never have because i'm in love with you too." she confessed and Draco looked up at her with a spark in his eyes and a big smile on his face. "You love me back and don't hate me?" he asked and she nodded, with their confession out in the open, they kissed then pulled away and smiled at one another and stayed up talking until they fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms. 

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