Chapter 7

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Draco's POV: As i left the empty classroom to find Blaise, i was trying to come up with something to show Hermione that i have changed but i was stumped, i couldn't come up with anything. So i went to the great hall for some food then headed to the head prefects' dorm common room, on my way there i caught up with Blaise. "Hey Blaise, wait up i need some advice." i said jogging to catch up with him. " Sure thing mate, how can i help you?" Blaise replied. "Why don't we go to the head's dorm and discuss my 'problem' there as i don't want anyone to know or eavesdrop on us." I said gesturing to the paintings, ghosts and ghouls in the castle. "No problem, i was heading there anyway." Blaise answered. As we got to the head's dorm room, we headed up to my room and started talking. "so what is this so called 'problem' that you came to 'the love whisperer' (reference to Austin and Ally)." Blaise asked. "First nobody calls you that besides yourself and second i need your advice on how to show a girl that i have changed because for some reason i feel need to prove myself to her in order for her to believe me, ughh i hate to admit this and you know i don't admit to things unless they are true but.... i think i am in love with her." I replied stressed out with my head in my hands. "Wow, so i'm guessing you are talking about the bookworm Granger right?" Blaise guessed. I looked up at him like he was psychic."How the hell did you know?" i questioned him. "I didn't until now." Blaise replied and laughed. "I'm joking, i see the way you look at her, i look at her differently like in a special way and also how you act around her too." Blaise said. I put my head in my hands, "Ughhh i can't help it, i don't know what's wrong with me Blaise, i love how she is feisty, how she never backs away from a fight, how she looks cute when she is angry, her honesty, her smartness, her style, kindness and her smile, ahhh i sound whipped, what am i going to do?" I replied. "Yeah you do my friend, look all you need to do is call a truce, be nice to her and tell her how you feel and take it from there and people do call me 'the love whisperer'." Blaise argues whilst whispering 'the love whisperer'. "Thanks man, that makes me feel so much better, not and no they don't, don't kid yourself Blaise, anyway thanks for the advice, see you later mate." I answered back. As this conversation continued, a certain bookworm could hear everything being said and so she quickly and quietly left the common room and ran to find Ginny and Luna.

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